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Whoa, didn't know a Tech could shave so close!

Just saved with a Tech for the first time in forever. 2 pass, BBS. Buttery smooth.

Never had such good luck with a Tech, usually I end up applying too much pressure. Hope I can keep this up. Anyone else use a Tech?
Tech works great with a Feather for me. The only "problem" is it clogs up with lather/whiskers quicker so I have to rinse twice as often (not a real problem of course).
Yep, I love my Tech, I use it for travel, awesome little razor. Tech with with a Feather is great combo for me.

I luckily purchased a Thick Handled Tech as my second razor early in the learning process. Since then my Merkur HD has been stored in the closet. Two days ago I received my Bull Mastiff Deluxe handle from Bob's Razors. I put my Tech head on it and now I like my Tech even more. The handle is nice and chunky and the end of the handle is ergonomically perfect.

Tech? Check!!

Adjustables bustable. Tech in spec!

Tech too mild? Utter dreck.

We REALLY need a contest for B&B Poet Laureate!

Tech works great with a Feather for me. The only "problem" is it clogs up with lather/whiskers quicker so I have to rinse twice as often (not a real problem of course).

I actually found the Tech better than the Superspeed and HD in this aspect.


I luckily purchased a Thick Handled Tech as my second razor early in the learning process. Since then my Merkur HD has been stored in the closet. Two days ago I received my Bull Mastiff Deluxe handle from Bob's Razors. I put my Tech head on it and now I like my Tech even more. The handle is nice and chunky and the end of the handle is ergonomically perfect.


Don't tempt me!

Yep, I love my Tech, I use it for travel, awesome little razor. Tech with with a Feather is great combo for me.

I'd always used it with a Feather before and found it to bite back a little too much. I guess I just need a mild razor with a mild blade. When I get back to shaving everyday (WTG only) I could probably handle Feathers, I'd wager.
I picked up a NDC Tech, a W1 Super Speed, and a couple of early 1960s Flare Tip Super Speeds at flea markets over the last couple of weeks.

Only shaved with the Tech and W1 Super Speed thus far.

Shaved with both using a Personna Red and Proraso Aloe and Green Tea.

Both shaved nicely, with aggression being a bit higher on the Super Speed.

Neither will replace my beloved Fatboy but I can definitely see traveling with the Tech because of size.

Will probably shave with them again when I receive my huge pack of Personna medical prep blades.

I really enjoy hitting up the flea markets and hunting for razors. As I find duplicates I plan to PIF them to new members that don't have a razor yet. The first will be one of the Flare Tips I picked up this weekend. I want to shave with both to make sure they are fit for use though. Don't want to send something to someone without making sure it is A-OK first. :001_smile
Tech works fine for me. Like any razor, be it DE, SE, cart, disposable, etc. it takes a few times to figure out the routine that works best. After that, it just works. The nice thing about a mild shaver like a Tech is that I'm unafraid of touch ups the way I might be with a more aggressive razor. Second or third passes allow closer shaving without fear of added irritation.

FWIW, my Tech is from the mid 50s. Maybe it's my imagination, but the two Travel Techs I have from a decade later seem to be a little bit more aggressive. Though the later head designs are different, I can't see any difference in exposure or gap by eye.
My Tech is my go to baseline razor for trying out new blades.

I know if I get a bad shave with my Tech, it has to be the blade!! :w00t:
Always a great little razor is the tech, gets the job done without shouting it from the rooftops, everyone should have one:thumbup:
I started wet shaving with a Merkur HD and didn't have good results after 2 months. I then used a superspeed with great results for a year. On a whim bought a tech and have been using that with even better results for the last few months. For me a tech with Feathers gave an awesome shave that was a little prone to small nicks, now I'm using Super Iridiums and I can shave very quickly and get nice results with zero cuts.
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