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Whipped Dog

Can anyone give me a quick rundown of how to order from whipped dog. I tried to order a razor and filled in the boxes after you click order. I was expecting to receive an email with more information, or asking for payment info, or something. I never received one.
Oh so you have to email him. Ok. Thank you kindly. How quickly does he usually get back to you? Does Larry only operate the site and respond to emails on business schedule?
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I ordered a brush some month ago and Larry answered my mail in a day. He's a great guy to deal with and the brush I bought is me goto brush!
Sounds great, thanks guys. I finally made the plunge to upgrade from my Dovo Shavette to a real straight. It seems to have disappeared from the site as soon as I ordered it so I don't remember the name :blushing:, but I am very anxious to get my paws on it!
Agreed. Larry checks his email with regularity and is *great* to deal with. Always happy to answer questions. Once I decided what I was ordering, he emailed me a link to his payment gateway.
I had a good experience with larry. ordered the sight unseen and poor man's strop. had a little trouble getting use to the straight so we e-mailed back and forth a bit.
i just bought a firehouse brush from him. he was quick to email me about how to pay and even emailed me to let me know there would be a delay. didnt matter to me because i figured i would get the brush in early to mid april. oddly thats when he said i would get it after the delay. cant wait!
i just bought a firehouse brush from him. he was quick to email me about how to pay and even emailed me to let me know there would be a delay. didnt matter to me because i figured i would get the brush in early to mid april. oddly thats when he said i would get it after the delay. cant wait!

Me three
Same as above. I enjoy working with him. He responds by email when you choose it on his page. If he doesn't, just send him an email.
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