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Which Straights are most Desirable?

I was wondering which are the most desirable or collectable vintage straights so I'm asking the experts here. I know Wade & Butcher seems to be in demand, what would be the say top five? Thanks in advance for your help.
I was wondering which are the most desirable or collectable vintage straights so I'm asking the experts here. I know Wade & Butcher seems to be in demand, what would be the say top five? Thanks in advance for your help.

The next one! Seriously, Stan- good to see you on the straight forum. Someone here with far more experience than I will give you a much better answer than I. Hope all is well and Happy Thanksgiving. If you ever want to try one, I have a W&B, a Henkels, and a Joseph Rogers I'd be happy to run by the hospital for you to borrow.
Mint 6/8 [or wider], Extra-Hollow Le Grelots with awesome scales for under $150 USD (shipped)
or Wackers like the above specifications

PM me if you have those :)
vintage: puma, henckels, theirs issard, le grelot, dovo, boker, filarmonica, wacker.
new: any of the above still producing. dovo, theirs issard,,,????
Right now I would love to find another 5/8ths or so wade and butcher extra hollow ground. Mine has just the smoothest delicate edge or maybe a goldbug or .....


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Swedish always go for good money. Kamisori with well known makers. Big Sheffield choppers.

And some custom makers have waiting lists of years.
German; DORKO, F W ENGELS, PUMA, BOKER, WACKER, REVISOR, etc. Swedish; C V Heljstrand, KLAS TORNBLOM, etc. English; WADE & BUTCHER. And IVORY & METAL SCALED! these are my ideas. forgive my spelling it is late.
Anything slightly unusual/interesting in good condition.

If I had to pick one hallmark of an expensive razor though.... Damascus.
I own most of the above, and I would trade sell and swap them all except my Japanese western style razors.


You want to be careful with those. They say that you can catch Asian 'flu from using them. Please send them over to me in Belgium for proper decontamination and subsequent disposal.
I have to say that I'm looking for a lovely old Japanese razor and they would fit the bill perfectly. How about I swap you a nice NOS Filly for a couple of them!
I was wondering which are the most desirable or collectable vintage straights so I'm asking the experts here. I know Wade & Butcher seems to be in demand, what would be the say top five? Thanks in advance for your help.

Why? Just curious.
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