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Which shave stick should I try first?

I've been considering Palmolive, Tabac, Speik... What should be my first experience? Tabac seems like it has a cult following but I'm worried I about the scent...
La Toja, Valobra, Speick, and then Wilkinson Sword are my favorite in that order. Any of those would be good to start with.
The first one I tried was the Speick. It was a good experience. Although, the only shave stick I use now is the TOBS St. James. Awesome scent, and good performance.
I think you'll like all three but of the three you listed I would try Palmolive first. If the choices are open then La Toja is my favorite stick.
I used Tabac this morning and it is a quality stick. You cannot beat the lather or the scent. Really, if you get the chance try them all. I have Arko, Speick, Valobra, Palmolive, La Toja.

I just ordered Irisch Moos and I want to try Lea as well.
Well, if you just want to try a stick to see the difference, then to minimize variables, you might buy a stick of something you already know you like -- Tabac puck vs. Tabac stick... Baring that, though, I like La Toja -- lathers great, cool, minerally fragrance, doesn't come in a puck. Arko is definitely cheap, lathers great. Scent is a YMMV... Haven't seen a recommendation for a QEDman stick anywhere, and I'd list those as some of my favorites. I've tried the bergamot, Casablanca and wild orange and like them all. I find that the palmolive fragrance, for me, just seems "soapy" so I don't reach for it often. Cheap and lathers well, though.

Good luck!

Of your choices I'd try Speick though it does have a rather rich smell but if you don't mind going outside those, try the Wilkinson, its absolutely awesome in my opinion.
Try the Speick ("Sh-pike"...I think). It's scent is very mild compared to Tabac. But there's no reason you shouldn't try 4 or 5 of these things, they are a great performance/price combo.
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I have the Tabac puck so I've never needed to get their stick since I don't travel but the stick I do use and like is La Toja. It has a nice unique smell that even my wife likes and lathers really easy.
La Toja is a good one, and the container is a good design too. Palmolive is another good one (the scent reminds me of Irish Spring bath soap). Arko is worth a try too, I think you will be amazed at the lather you can get out of it.:blink:
I'm not as fond of Tabac/Sir Irisch Moos and the Palmolive sticks as others. But Arko and La Toja I am very fond of. Derby is a great stick too shaving wise, but has the worst scent of the lot (ultra-sharp lavender).
I am not a Shave stick professional but I would recommend Arko it lathers like you wouldn't believe and the scent is nice and clean. With a good fade so as to not clash with your AS. There is a tremendous deal on Palmolive right now on one of the online Auction sites.

Thanks for asking this question I had no idea there were so many sticks out there. What an education I'm getting.
Thanks for all the great advice, Gents! I've got a Palmolive and LaToja stick en route. I'm also working on getting my hands on some Arko. I'm confident I will enjoy all of them. I don't think I'm ready for Tabac just yet but that may change by next week considering how I am hooked on wet shaving and want to try EVERYTHING!!!
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