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Which one of you bought this!

:confused1 Dang, why didn't I buy a few hundred of them when they were only $1.95 and store them somewhere? Would have been better than the stock market!
yeah but I have never seen one still in the blister pack. good thing my RAD seems to have run its course.
This reminds me of the star wars figures that people used to leave in the packaging. How can you have any fun with it if you never open it?
1. It's a new razor
2. It is well designed and shaving with it reflects that
3. there's a surcharge for anything scarce
4. $247 is cheaper than a PILS
From a collectors standpoint it would be worth the price, I am sure that it wasn't purchased with any intent of using it to shave with.
IMHO I think it's a great deal. How many of those are left in the world? Plus value is in the eye of the beholder.
From a collectors standpoint it would be worth the price, I am sure that it wasn't purchased with any intent of using it to shave with.

+1. I agree with Mike. It is very rare to find one still in the original blister pack. I have not looked at any ebay razor listings in a couple months. But if I saw this one the winning bid would have been higher. Congrats to the winner.



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Judging form the fact that the seller listed its age as being from the 70's or 80's, I bet they were pleasantly surprised at the selling price. :lol:
Judging form the fact that the seller listed its age as being from the 70's or 80's, I bet they were pleasantly surprised at the selling price. :lol:

Yeah. I thought that was pretty funny, too. Seller says 70s or 80s when the thing is clearly a Fatboy and they weren't produced during that time period.

Oh well, whatcha gonna do?
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