Which scent is your favorite Thayer's Witch Hazel scent?
Oct 8, 2009 #2 LinuxMintyFresh I don't know that I particularly dig the scent (I don't dislike it either) but I am thoroughly enjoying the medicated Thayer's
I don't know that I particularly dig the scent (I don't dislike it either) but I am thoroughly enjoying the medicated Thayer's
Oct 8, 2009 #3 G gaj90027 +1 on the thayers medicated superhazel - I love the scent and so does my girlfriend.
Oct 8, 2009 #8 theperfectstorm The Rose is great. Not only does it smell good, the rosewater makes it especially effective.
Oct 8, 2009 #10 Empty Words I like the peppermint scent of Superhazel. I look forward to trying cucumber.
Oct 8, 2009 #11 The Knize Rose. I really is a pretty good version of a Rose scent. But I like regular old WH better than I like Thayers.
Rose. I really is a pretty good version of a Rose scent. But I like regular old WH better than I like Thayers.
Oct 8, 2009 #12 E Eug I can't believe nobody has mentioned Thayers Peach. If the bottle didn't have a warning label, I would have drank the whole thing!
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Thayers Peach. If the bottle didn't have a warning label, I would have drank the whole thing!
Oct 9, 2009 #16 H houlejames I like the Lavender. At the local GNC they only have Rose and Lavender so I don't know about the other ones but between those two I like the Lavender.
I like the Lavender. At the local GNC they only have Rose and Lavender so I don't know about the other ones but between those two I like the Lavender.