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Which French soap?

I want to try one of the French shea butter type soaps.

What do you like?
What don't you like?

I've never used one and can't make up my mind.

Thanks - Scott
Pre de Provence gets my vote, probably my favorite shaving soap.

CADE is also nice, shaved with it today, doesn't have shea butter though.

+1 -- I've been using Provence Sante for years, and it's outstanding. A puck lasts years.

I also have tried the Pre de Provence cream, and it's fantastic.

Just last night, I ordered the PdP soap and the Lothantique Le Collectionneur Shaving Soap from Westcoastshaving -- as well as another tube of the PdP cream. If the PdP soap is anything as good as the cream, it might just manage to top the Provence Sante.
Cade is very nice. Love the scent. Martin de Candre, however, is several notches above.

Eshave also make wonderful soaps.
I like Institut Karite myself. It is taking me forever to get through this puck of Provence Sante. It is pretty good soap. I consider PS and PdP to be pretty equivalent in my opinion.
Provence Sante Green Tea, my non tallow soap of choice even though it competes right up there. PdP is also on my list.
I vote for Pre de Provence, but I have yet to use my IK puck. I bought a PdP puck last summer, set it in my closet, and forgot about it until a couple weeks ago. Its got a pleasant, light scent, terrific lather, and washes away clean. I wish I'd tried it sooner!
I have both Pre de Provence and Cade and alternate between the two on my French Friday shave. Cade is a remarkable soap but as much as I like the Cade I like the Pre better. Both produce a generous amount of lather and perform very well. Maybe for me I just like the clean, fresh scent that Pre has. I liked it so much I also bought the aftershave which has the same scent. That's my choice but I won't knock anyone who likes Cade better but it's really good stuff.
Pre De Provence = one of the finest shaving items in existence. Period.


I like Institut Karite myself. It is taking me forever to get through this puck of Provence Sante. It is pretty good soap. I consider PS and PdP to be pretty equivalent in my opinion.

IK is also pretty darn good. The perfume smell might put you off though.

I have used Cade, PDP, PSGT, IK, Monsavon, Lothantique Le Collectioner.

I would rate them as follows:


Cade and PSGT could easily trade places. Cade smells much better the PSGT but it leaves my face feeling dry.

There are two different Lothantique soaps. Lothantique Le Collectioner in my opinion is junk. I ended up using it as a bath soap and it wasn't very good at that. It smells wonderful! No kidding. If it performed as well as it smelled I would have back up pucks to my back up pucks.
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