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Which boar brush that is great with MWF

I don't know much about the boar brushes so I am asking! I think I want to try a Semogue boar brush. I would be mainly using it with MWF soap. I typically bowl lather but from time to time face lather my MWF. I do not have a problem always face lathering if I get better results. So what soap destroyer do you recommend? Thanks
Geez, my 1305 Semogue is sweet at a puck of MWF. My success with MWF is taking the hottest of my water and covering the puck just over the top and let it set while I prepped. Then drained the water completely and take my soaked brush to it. Whips up amazing lather instantly.
The SOC boar works great (but it's the only Semogue boar that I have used), 1305, 830, 620 & 1800 seem to get a lot of credit by many users.
I haven't used any Semogue brushes, but my Omegas have been doing very well with MWF. From my experience with my own brushes once you keep using MWF so that it stays hydrated it really doesn't matter too much which brush you use.
My only experience with boar brushes is with the Semogue 1305, and I can attest that it is terrific with Mitchell's Wool Fat soap. Most places sell it for $19.00, so the 1305 isn't expensive as far as good brushes go (I'm getting ready to fork out at least $105 for a nice badger). Given that, I'd encourage you to try it out. Keep in mind that boars take patience, as it can be a while before they're properly broken-in (meaning, the ends of the bristles should have lots of split ends). Proper break-in can take up to a month of diligent lathering and drying (I very vigorously lathered mine and let it thoroughly dry it in front of a fan a couple of times every day for about 3 or 4 weeks, resulting in massively split ends before I ever used it on my face). I can whip up an awesome MWF lather with that 1305 with no effort at all (full disclosure: Unlike some others, I've never really had trouble getting a good, thick lather with MWF with any brush).

Plus, I dig the "old school" paint job on the 1305.
thanks for all of the good suggestions. you have helped narrow it down for me....probably either the 620 or the 1305.
+1 to 620: as mentioned by others the trick can sometimes be to pre-soak the puck with warm water prior to loading. The 620 does a magnificent job face lathering the Fat.
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