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Which blade in a Gillette Tech

I generally shave with my late 50's SS and use a Derby or Red Personna. I have recently acquired a Gillete tech and was wondering some of your experiences with the tech/blade combos. I understand MRMV. Thanks.

The tech is a great razor and I like to use it if I need a second shave througout the day. For that I purpose I like to use a middle of the road blade in it. I like the Crystal, Astra SS or Shark and get great results. However, if the Tech is going to be the primary shave the general rule of thumb is mild razor and a sharp blade. For this scenario I would use either a KAI or Feather blade and you might notice that you may have to do more passes than you usually do with the SS but the results are great. Give it a shot as always YMMV :thumbup: :thumbup:
Thanks for the advice. Just tried the Tech with a Shark and a full days bread growth (I always get a great/smooth shave with a days growth). Very smooth, I'll try it tomorrow with a feather and see how hat works. Thanks again.

I finally cleaned up a Tech that I had for four years. Shaved all week with it and had it loaded with an IP. This blade was definitely not "sharp" enough in this combo, seeing that the Tech itself it a mild shaver. I'm going to throw in a Feather next week.
I just got one. My first DE btw and started with an Israeli made Crystal. I have some Sharks and some Super Irridiums for later.
I've used Shark super chromes and stainless with good success.
Also used a sample of the Bluebirds from NTGuy recently that worked well too...
I, too, like the Feather in my Tech.

I don't know if others have found this to be the case, but I can tolerate better the shaves I get with some lesser blades in the Tech versus my HD. I get better shaves with Red Personnas and Crystals in my Tech than the HD, for instance. I feel I will be able to use the "not quite as sharp" blades in my Tech, but I prefer the Astras, Feathers, and 7 am blades in my HD.
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