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Whetstone for a pocket knife?

I was wanting to find a decent sharpening stone, probably 2 medium grits, for a pocket knife. I want to get it very sharp, but am rather annoyed by finding a lot of them that are $50+. I do not mean this to be a WTB; I mean this more as a thread for advice on finding a good whetstone without spending a large sum of money on a name brand stone. Any help would be appreciated!
Any advice?

Mike H

Instagram Famous
A hard arkansas pocket hone fron Dans whetstone are reasonably priced, but work great for most task.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
What price are the Spyderco sharpmaker kits where you are? I can put a shaving edge on a razor no worries, but knives have always been hit and miss. The sharpmaker makes it super easy, and works for most knives.
I must admit that I have a basic Zwilling Twinsharp knife sharpener for my knifes.

I am sure that an experienced person with quality sharpening stones could get better results, but the Zwilling is easy, and the result is good enough for me.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
If you want to freehand sharpen you could get a small coticule bout for not too much. I still say the sharpmaker for knives though.
For all my smaller knives i use a Worksharp sharpener. They are really simple to use and put a great edge on all my knives.
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