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Where to get blades in Canada?

i'm going to Toronto for a week, carry-on only. i'm packing personnas and hoping they'll honor their own guidelines about safety razors -i know, they generally interpret it as meaning carts, but that's not what it SAYS in the rules so the worst that'll happen is they take them- but i'll be more surprised than if they don't.
SOOoooo...i need to know where to get blades in Toronto, Canada.
if it comes to using disposables i'll just let it grow until i get back.

please don't suggest trying to sneak a blade through security.

They're located relatively close to the airport, 5 to 10 minutes west of it right off the 401. They would be my first choice...head by when arriving if time permits and if you arrive during working hours. Also, you might call ahead to ensure they'll be there.

Alternatively, there's a couple of Truefit & Hill locations downtown:


I haven't been, but they do sell razors, soap and accessories and perform actual shaves and haircuts...might be fun to head by for a shave just for the heck of it.

If these locations don't work, Shopper's Drug Mart (Canadian version of Walgreen's) has locations all over the city, they sell Poraso and Clinique after shave healer...but I couldn't say if they had DE's for sure. I think that varies according to location. Disposables go without saying.

Have fun.

+1 on Fendrihan, not sure if they have a retail store tho? also, i havent been able to find DE blades at any local pharmacies and i live in the greater Toronto area; however shoppesr drug mart does carry some traditional shaving stuff like brushes and proraso, so its worth a try.

good luck
+1 on Fendrihan, not sure if they have a retail store tho?

On my last trip I was going to stop by but got caught in a meeting. Based on their location, which is in an industrial location, it's worth a try...but I'd call first to make sure...
Fendrihan doesn't have a retail location - the listed address is an office & warehouse. I have purchased direct from them once before as Alfred is very accommodating but, for obvious reasons, they don't want to encourage it.
I've seen Wilkonson blades at Shopper's Drug Mart, but they are a bit pricey (about $10 for a 10 pack).

The pack I saw just yesterday at Shoppers was 15 dollars for a 10 pack :w00t:

I heard the store 'Personal Edge' carries blades, but have never checked it out.

There is also Toronto Beauty and Barber supply that sells shave products, not sure about blades tho. They are located downtown Toronto.
Try the Honest Ed Store at 581 Bloor Street West (Bathurst & Bloor area), their prices on blades are fair. The last time I checked they carried Precision blades (Islaeli made) at under $ 2 a 10 pack.
Good luck.


The Gillette sensor excel is a very good travel razor if you are going 'carry-on' only.
Try the Honest Ed Store at 581 Bloor Street West (Bathurst & Bloor area), their prices on blades are fair. The last time I checked they carried Precision blades (Islaeli made) at under $ 2 a 10 pack.
Good luck.

Inspired by this post, I went to Honest Ed a few hours ago and they have Precision blades for 99 cents (10), Super Max blades for 1.49 (10), and Wilkinson Sword blades for 4.99 (5).
Beauty and Barber Supply Shop at the corner of Bay and Dundas is a good bet if you are downtown. I know they carry Feathers and a few others.
Blades can be found at Shoppers Drug Marts and Rexalls, though they are wildly overpriced. Generic store-brand blades are also available, but their quality is probably questionable at best. If there are any convenience stores near you, try them out because they tend to sell DE blades randomly for about 2.99 or so for 10.

Honest Ed's also sells Israeli PRECISION blades for 99 cents/10. Toronto Barber and Beauty Supply is good for creams, soaps and hardware, but their blades are priced at about 200 dollars for 100 blades or something like that, the last time I checked at least. I know, I couldn't believe it either.
well, i'm heading back to the States today. they didn't take my blades on the way up, and if they take them on the way back i know where to get more.thanks for all the replies guys.
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