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Where to find knots?

i've been admiring those, myself.

i cannot afford to buy a luxury badger brush, but have a couple handles available that i could re-knot.

those in the link you provided look like you could just rub them dry on the face and enjoy them lol

i don't have any experience with badger, or the knots from golden nib. do they have a pretty good funk to them? and how long does it take that funk to dissipate?
I bought a 22 mm version of those to put in an old ceramic Burts Bees brush handle. I'll bet you are going to like it.
I bought 3 of them, and no smell at all. 2 Silvertips and 1 Best Badger. (He has more grades now.....not sure if the grade under Silvertip was called "Best" at the time.)

One of the Silvertips sheds a lot, but I think I may have damaged the plug when glueing it into the handle, so I hesitate to blame it on the knot.

The best in a short vintage handle is one of the best soap brushes I have.
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