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Where to buy?

I buy from his store but most of his business is on-line.


This guy is located in my town. Which makes it very convenient.

Working through a sampler of Black Teas right now.

Please note: I have no personal or business interest with this vendor.
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I don't buy tea online but the excellent shop I do buy from has a web store front. It's called the Tea Source. Their selection is massive, and I've never had a bad cup yet. Try the Blue Beauty Oolong!

Which teas are you interested in? If you want to explore the world of Pu-erh and Chinese greens and oolongs, I would reccomend our own Netsurfr....only good reviews here and he'll likely include some goodies:


There are a couple of vendors in China that come highly reccomended. Also, I like Uptontea.com for black teas....have not ordered from them in years though.
If I'm looking for variety, Adagio.com

For those that I'm buying in bulk, www.coffeebeandirect.com. With regards to coffeebeandirect.com, I buy my coffee there, too. The Indian Monsooned Malabar is fantastic.
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UptonTea.com for most of my Darjeelings. I like that they're in MA, as am I.
I buy most of my Chinese greens & blacks, and my oolongs, from SpecialTeas.com.
(I started with adagio.com, but I think that the former two have better wares.)

BTW, in the avoid category, I just ordered some teas from an outfit called Thunderbolt tea which were, I thought, pretty vile.

I've been off the pu-erh wagon, but bought a lot from Yunnan Sourcing on eBay (but email Scott off eBay for a better rate).
I also bought some samples from Steve/Netsurfr, and can recommend him as well.

There were a couple other U.S.-based pu-erh vendors online. Hou de Asian something-or-other has good product, but (IMHO) unduly steep prices.
PuerhShop.com had mostly reasonable prices, and their shipments tended to arrive as soon as you finished just thinking about the order. :ohmy:

While I'm a sushi adherent, and am fond of Japanese knives, I'm not a fan of Japanese green tea.
But if you are, those in-the-know have recommended o-cha.com to me.
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