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Where is the Dominica?

Okay, I ordered a bottle of Captain's Choice and am wanting to order a bottle of Dominica. West Coast Shaving has been out for a while. I found it at a couple of other places, but they were much higher and with high shipping.

Any suggestions on a dealer with reasonable prices? I'm in the USA.

By the way, does Dominica have a clove scent? (I don't like a clove scent.)

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Dominica is a traditional bay rum fragrance. It comes in two versions, straight and with lime. Unlike many bay rums, it does not have a clove scent.

I like Josh's suggestion to call or email WCS. You may also want to check locally. You could email Dominica to see if anyone in your local area is a dealer.
I don't know where in the US you are, but if there's an Orvis store near you, they normally carry both the regular and lime versions of Domenica BR. It might be worth a call before you head out there, though--just to be sure it's in stock at that store...

To answer your second question, Domenica is a very traditional bay rum scent: there's no clove in it, although some folks mistake the scent of bay leaves for clove since they are botanical relatives. Compared to Pinaud's version, though, it's totally different--no heavy clove, and more fleeting. It's one of my favorite bay rum varieties (I've got about 6 or so).
Oddly, Caribbean Bay Rum (Body Crystal) has been out of stock several places recently, too. I emailed them a couple of months ago, and they responded that they were having issues with Dominica that they were trying to resolve and that there was a chance they would never have any more bay rum. They just emailed me back today, saying that they had their bay rum back in stock.

I wonder if Dominica was also having issues with....Dominica :blink: ( I was assuming they meant the Commonwealth of Dominica).
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