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where do you hang your strop?

I just started with the straight razor thing and am not sure where to hang the end of the strop. Do you tie it to a doorknob?
My bathroom closet has one of those wire shelving units. One of the shelves happens to be just at the right height for stropping so I clipped the end to that.
I bought a 3M adhesive metal hook and hung it on the wall in our bathroom. I hang all three of my strops there by the sink.

My strop has a small clip on it. So, I hang mine from the handle to my top drawer. It's a little too low, but works for now.


My elbows leak
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The doors in my place don't have knobs, they all have levers.
It holds the strop loop perfectly, and I don't worry about it slipping off of a knob.
I bought a 3M adhesive metal hook and hung it on the wall in our bathroom. I hang all three of my strops there by the sink.


I use a 3 M adhesive hook--plastic, not metal--that I put on the end of a painted wood shelf in my walk in closet near my bathroom. Pefect heighth, etc. I also have three strops hanging from that one hook.

I would never keep my strop in my bathroom Way too humid for it!
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I live in a co-op with six bathrooms, four of which I use on a regular basis. I made a loop of p-cord to add some versatility to where I can hang my strop. It's a bit like guerilla stropping, if you will. ;) It also poses a challenge to getting the preshave routine done smoothly. I have to relinquish myself to the fact that my face is going to get dry between showering and lathering for shaving.
I just happen to hang my strop from a brass hook mounted on the top inside of my master bathroom door. The same as it has always been for the past ten years, despite my never touching neither my strop nor my razor during all this time.




"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Bathroom door. I strop in my bedroom as I can sit on the bed while I use the handle of the door...
I tied a loop of string to the clothes rail in the clothes cupboard and hang it/them from that. Nice and dry. I strop the razor and take it into the bathroom.
I live in a modern constructed house, so I'm afraid to hang it off a towel rack for fear that I'll just yank it off the wall. Things used to be so much better constructed. Le sigh.

I think I'll end up using 550 cord to hang my strop off my walk in closet doorknob.
I've got a 7' tv stand/dresser in with doors from top to bottom. At exactly belt height, there is a metal ring pull where my strop is perfectly setup. The top shelf of the cabinet inside holds a ton of razors, brushes, ***, etc.... It is very convenient. Like English, I strop and then take my razor into my bathroom
Does anyone ever secure their strop to themselves by the belt or is that strictly a no-no relinquished to misinformation provided in movies?
I use a 3 M adhesive hook--plastic, not metal--that I put on the end of a painted wood shelf in my walk in closet near my bathroom. Pefect heighth, etc. I also have three strops hanging from that one hook.

I would never keep my strop in my bathroom Way too humid for it!

It's pretty dry here actually, so it's not a problem. I just keep the leather surface turned away toward the wall when I'm not using them, in order to make sure they don't get splashed.

Hanging from a towel bar in the spare bathroom where my shave gear cabinet is. I usually strop the night before, and transport the chosen blade to the master bath before bed.
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