in person to pick up a vintage Gillette? Aside from estate sales, I'm curious where people have had luck. General advice is appreciated but if anyone knows of a place in the NYC area I'd be much obliged. Thanks.
Before i found this place I would hit up this higher-end place about once every two weeks and only ever found a Slim Adjustable for my trouble (which I am grateful for, but it clearly supports my theorem above).
small town antique stores
Have to agree with the above: my best finds have been at antique stores out in the middle of nowhere.
Also, the antique store that looked to have just a ton of junk had at least a dozen razors for sale!! (unfortunately, it is no longer open).
Last, if you enter a antique store that looks like a dive, it never hurts to ask, if they have any razors lying around.
Found some treasures in the mentioned places.
Example, a Gillette HD in mint condition for $5.
Damn. Don't supposed you be willing to turn around and part with it?
Thanks all for the replies.