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Where can I get a vat of Hai Karate?

did anyone notice that hai karate is what samuel l jackson uses in the incredibles btw?

I did, after I got the DVD. They only flashed the bottle for a second, but (much to my wife's chagrin) I backed up, freeze framed it and zoomed in. Not the classic bottle design, but a nice homage.
I loved that stuff.
I still do, and wore it to my adult education class. Two of my female classmates recognized it too!
I'd love to get a case of it for special dojo presentations or Christmas presents:lol:

And yes, I am a dojo instructor
Wow. I didn't know there was anything cheaper than Brut. :lol:

I think you got a free case of Hai with every twin pack of Brut.

The only thing Hai is known for are the overtly sexist ads; you wouldn't get any of them past the PC police today. It was the only way they could sell any of the stuff.

Seriously. Everything that was cringingly bad about the 70s is personified by Hai Karate.:crying:
I own a few bottles....

To me, it doesn't smell anything like Brut.

Is it worth 30 - 40 dollars a bottle of the Bay? Not really....
I had to get some to kill the curiosity...but I do like it.

If you get some.....be careful how you wear it!!! :w00t:
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