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Where Can I Buy A Schick Type O?

Are these still manufactured?
Or a Chinese equivalent maybe?
I'm in UK but can't seem to find a link to a current production injector anywhere...
They are no longer.in production. NOS versions rarely pop up on eBay, and when they do they go for well ovef $100. I've never seen a used.one for.sale.anywhere.
They are no longer.in production. NOS versions rarely pop up on eBay, and when they do they go for well ovef $100. I've never seen a used.one for.sale.anywhere.

Oh! So where have they all gone - I thought they were very popular, at least in Japan...
I stumbled across an NOS one on eBay a couple of months ago and bought it for $87, but they are virtual unobtanium. I haven't decided whether to use it or keep it in a safety deposit box.


B&B membership has its percs
That one's my personal white whale, I have every other one but the O. That said, the later models aren't my cup of tea as shavers, due to the increasing mildness, so perhaps it doesn't matter.
That one's my personal white whale, I have every other one but the O. That said, the later models aren't my cup of tea as shavers, due to the increasing mildness, so perhaps it doesn't matter.

Yes - I was just thinking this as I posted. I already have a J, and an E arriving tomorrow.
I'm not a fan of mild shavers, so even if I got an O, I probably wouldn't enjoy it.
Like they say, when you get to the end of the rainbow there's nothing there...
That one's my personal white whale, I have every other one but the O. That said, the later models aren't my cup of tea as shavers, due to the increasing mildness, so perhaps it doesn't matter.

White whale, what a great analogy!

Yep, I have a several NOS latter day Schicks but I'm not in full on hunting mode for this one anymore. I've got a couple of things like that - when I get the chance, I will take it, but I won't go nuts. 100 bucks will buy me +/- 10 catalin handle shaving brushes locally...

I just picked this up at a local antique shop. I have no knowledge which model it is. Any help would be appreciated.

Am I right in thinking that these letter designations aren't Schick's own, but were created later on an enthusiast site? Like the term "G-bar" for the heavy flat top.
They're certainly very handy- I've got a Canadian Type E coming in the post and I hope it arrives today cos it's my birthday :)


B&B membership has its percs
Am I right in thinking that these letter designations aren't Schick's own, but were created later on an enthusiast site? Like the term "G-bar" for the heavy flat top.
They're certainly very handy- I've got a Canadian Type E coming in the post and I hope it arrives today cos it's my birthday :)

Happy Birthday - and yes, the Type Letter designations were thought up by the collector Allan Applyby, see these at
Happy Birthday - and yes, the Type Letter designations were thought up by the collector Allan Applyby, see these at

Yeah I saw that - I'm not sure my new birthday Patent 1937 Made In Canada Schick is explicitly included in the typology though.
It's got an E2 head (but with no patent nos. just Patent 1937) and a handle with a seam.
What should I call that then?
Canadian E2 probably.
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If it has a seam, then it's not a E type, it's a G. There are 2 different E type handles - one butterscotch and the other black, but both are catalin, not injected plastic (think seam). Pictures when you get it?

The letter designation breaks down around the variations that Applyby didn't know about.

If it has a seam, then it's not a E type, it's a G. There are 2 different E type handles - one butterscotch and the other black, but both are catalin, not injected plastic (think seam). Pictures when you get it?

The letter designation breaks down around the variations that Applyby didn't know about.


But this was manufactured before the G Type was introduced, has the definitive flaps on the side of the springand has an E2 head that is very very aggressive- more than my FaTip!
The Canadian ones are not included in the typology but are discussed later in this thread:
(and Tapalk's not letting me attach pictures again!).
There are pictures here:
There are numerous threads about the Canadian Schicks.
Maybe there should be stuff in the Wiki about them.
The best designation I can think of (following the GEM 1912 pattern) would be Schick 1937.
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I'm going to guess that it's one of those transition cases of using up old heads still in stock and attaching them to new handles. That produces most of the variations in old razors. Gillette is notorious for it.

E types are strictly catalin handles.

And it's good to keep in mind that patent dates don't necessarily have much to do with manufacture date.

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