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When too much is too much

My wife is forcing me into brush shaming under threat of no dinner for a week.


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My first question would be what is she doing in your bathroom?
Second, why would you mistreat your Commodore? It is an excellent brush, that would, otherwise, last many years.
I hope you don't consider that a "collection". Ha.
Oh, enjoy cooking. For both. Just say: Honey, I will cook supper this week. You take a break. Put your feet up and enjoy a glass of wine.
See what happens.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
My first thought was that a shelf anywhere in the bathroom would afford you a proper place to store your brush collection. I assume you've got three or four times the number shown in the photo. If not, you're in need of both a shelf and some serious shopping.

I can manage to feed myself, but the man who goes out of his way to irritate the wife is a fool.

Seriously, just show her some photos of other guy's dens and in no time she'll be praising your restraint and saying how lucky she is to have you.

Besides, with natural hair you need at least 2 brushes to make sure that everything has a chance to dry out properly between uses. Heck, you could probably even justify 3 if you live in a humid environment!

Eben Stone

Staff member
Advice on my Commodore well taken. I just ordered another drip stand for it. But now, where to put it?
Do you have any wall space in the bathroom? Buy three shelves. When your wife asks you "What are they for?" you'll answer "I'm going to fill one with a collection of shave brushes." When she asks "What about the other two?" you'll answer "Honey, those are for you!"


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
You only NEED one brush & one razor to shave.

Want is reason you have collection.
Depends on climate, brush hair and ventilation in bathroom. Many situations require 2 days for the brush to completely dry - which I consider beneficial.

The only reasons I can think of for getting more than two is that you're not completely satisfied with one you have, or you like variety.
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