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What's your workout today-Oct. '09

No one carried this over for this month! What's up...cool weather and football put you all on the couch! Come on now, these threads are great inspiration for us all.

Today I am recovering from my half-marathon yesterday...and boy do I need it. I can hardly move, going down steps is hysterical actually.

As for the race...it was my first attempt at racing the distance and while Im pretty good out to 10k (6.2 miles), 13.1 was unknown territory. My longest training run was 12 and on a treadmill.

I targeted 2 hours, but had some doubts about that time going into the last few days...I was dreaming about strong winds and hills getting bigger overnight.

Anyway, long story short, I went out slow for a mile at 10:20 to warm up, picked up and hit a very comfortable pace. At mile 10 I felt great and was 80 mins. flat. This was very fast...too fast actually. Mile 9-12 were the hills and I was worried...and my thighs were starting to feel the pounding from the road.

I didn't slow consciously, just taking what the road gave me and still felt ok at the end of mile 12, and then it was a slight downhill the rest of the way to the line. It felt like I was going much slower than the earlier part of the race.

I came across the line at 1:46:05 for an 8:06 pace and 14 mins faster than my target. I was 180/716 oa and 48/119 in my age group. Needless to say I was very happy.

There was one very cool thing I will add. I did not bring an iPod thinking I couldn't use it (you cant in a bike or multi-sport race) and was worried about passing the time in my own brain. Anyway when I lined up about 90% of the runners were wearing iPods. I was pissed and even more worried. It turned out though that I enjoyed the experience without the music. It was much better racing actually being in the race. Instead of zoning out and taking it like a training run, I was in the moment every moment and used the time to keep very good tabs on my body and to sing to myself. I think I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much with headphones on.
Walking has been a problem yesterday and today, but I did manage to get in 90 minutes on the bike trainer today. Hopefully the legs will be back tomorrow...I'm racing again on Sunday!
Whassup my brothers? I've not been posting, but rest assured I've been keeping the faith. I even work out on Fridays and Saturdays, when most of the pretenders to the craft are done for the week. Hit a solid chest/shoulder session yesterday. Today will be back and probably calves, maybe bis.
Going to put in a three mile walk this am. I'm not even close to being in shape but I am trying to get off my *** everyday and get some exercise.:smile:
Tuesdays I squat inside the rack, and deadlift...5x5, calf raises too.

Thursday flat or incline DB bench press, incline DB fly, DB rows, pullups/chinups. Finish up with pushups to failure using cheap pushup handles. No need for direct bicep work.

Sat and Sun: As many kettlebell swings and clean and presses as I can do.
I hit the gym today after my daughter told me that my "stomach is squishy enough to be a trampoline." :eek: (That pretty much covers why I have not been posting in these workout threads regularly.)
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I had a great back workout the other day, which I am still feeling 2 days later. Got a few sets of good mornings, and some nice, heavy rows. Day after that, a good calf n' core session. Today will be some sort of leg torture, likely involving squats and lunges.
Last week I started feeling pretty run down and fatigued for no good reason so I took a three days off and did nothing but eat like a champ. Eased back into it today and it felt awesome.

4 miles 7:00pace

Pull ups (21/13/12/12/11)

Incline sit ups (30/30/burnout)
Tuesday- legs, squats, hamstring curls, leg extensions, and leg presses. Think I went a bit too heavy on squats, or I faltered a bit on my form, because my back feels slightly damaged. I went up to 315 as opposed to my usual 275 or so.

Wednesday- solid chest session, cut back on the weight just a tad. Hit flat DB presses, inclines as well. I actually went with my heaviest set to date on those, with the 105's. Only went 110 on flat. I also did some flat bench for the 1st time in a long while, playing around with 195 for 10's and 12's. By the time I got around to dips I was fried, so I only did a few sets of 20. All in all not bad.
I started bac on the treadmill yesterday...30 minutes with slight incline at 3mph....i just hit 204....i was barely 100 pounds after high school thirty years ago....

where can i find a good food chart for calories/fat and etc....other than sparkpeople.com or webmd.com
Congrats with the great result:)

I will run 10 km on the treadmill tonight. Workout approx 5 times a week over the last 3 years.
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