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What's your particular interest in wet shaving?

Everyone's interest is a bit different I'm sure. I have 2 DE's (Gillette fixed short-handle and adjustable long-handle) and 5 straight razors (3 4/8's, 1 5/8 and 1 6/8). I'm made wooden scales for 3 of straights and I hone them myself as well.

My razors are all used and relatively inexpensive as it my shave kit (VDH). I use Witch Hazel and an after shave balm. Blades for the DE are Astra.

From this you can see that my wet shaving interests are scale making, honing and shaving is basic vintage gear. I'm fine with a boar brush and VDH shaving soap.

How would you describe your interest and approach to wet shaving? Are you a collector or a user? Do you enjoy higher end brushes and fragrances? Describe your basic gear and your personal approach to this hobby.
I like old & new in razors. I have everything from a 1919 Bulldog to an EJDE89L. I like old brush handles with new knots. I like boar & badger. I like old timey aftershaves like Aqua Velva, Old Spice Clubman, etc.. and while I like some expensive frags I have a limit on funds. I also like old soap recipes like TABAC & Mitchells.
The insane amount of choices both new & old is what makes this style of shaving not only a task but a hobby.
At this point relatively early in the game I'm still experimenting. I've got one boar, one badger, some creams, some soaps and razors that range from fairly mild (DE89) to pretty aggressive (Muhle R41). I'm developing some favorites but right now I'm liking the variety. I'll probably even give a straight a shot at some point, perhaps get into honing - who knows?
User with an affinity to be attracted to bright shiny objects as well as an attraction soft furry objects and nice smelling things :001_smile
Definitely a user. Discovered real shaving back in 2005 as a way to combat an ingrown hair problem and have never turned back since. I bought my first shavette then received one as a gift. A few months later I decided to go for a real straight, having also tried a couple of DE's. The creams and soaps followed after and have never really stopped. I'm into quite a few expensive soaps and perfumes as well (Creed, Amouage) but I try to control spending now though.
First off, great thread idea...:thumbup:

I like collecting and using different razors, and the experimenting to see which blades work in which razors for me. While I appreciate the NOS and minty box sets, those aren't for me. A good to very good user grade model is just fine, since I want to use it, and have it possibly even in the rotation.

I don't seem to have any brush AD, I have the Semogue 620 and 830, and could honestly live with just those two. I also have the B&B Essentials, and a restored Eveready 300 handle with a TGN finest 2 band. There's even a VDH boar and a VDH badger kicking around, but pretty much ignored now.

I love checking out soaps (not really big on creams now), to try the various scents. I'm pretty positive nothing I find can out perform Cella or Tabac for me at this point, so it's only about performing as well or close to those, and the scent.

One other draw for me is the connection to the past, and since I have family heirloom razors from my grand father and great grandfather, that part is enhanced for me. Having the knowledge and tools to shave with a straight razor is the other half of the connecting to the past.
I have always been a wet shaver. I'm a minimalist. I have, and use, only two DE's - a Slim and an EJ DE87. I have one EJ BB Brush. I use only one brand of blade - Astra SP. I face lather (no bowl or scuttle for me) and rotate four soaps on a weekly basis. Although I am still open to trying different soaps, I won't add to the four soap rotation until I use up one of the soaps. I have no AD's.

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Initially it was the economical aspect until I realized that there were a LOT of things out there that I wanted to try hahaha now I'm under the umbrella of gents that want to experiment with all the tools. And to collect as well. Another big part that I enjoy is the historical aspect of it. Using something from years past, to me, is a way to keep in touch with history and past times a bit.
I started learning about wetshaving after being tired of getting really crappy shaves for 2 decades from mach3 and electric shavers. I found a fatboy at a flea market, gave it a shot with VDH and I was hooked. I love the old gillettes, gems and ever readys... no new razors new in my rotation. I have a bunch of DEs and SEs now and I use them all. Some of my interest comes from thinking about who might have bought this $10 gold-plated razor in the middle of the great depression?

As much as I love the old razors, the brush bug hasn't really hit me yet. I have a DM drug-store badger and a semogue 1305-- and that seems about right for me.
I'm into wet shaving for the great shaves. My interests are to upgrade my general appeal to others through improved shaves and great fragrances.
Originally I came for a cost effective way to shave with the possibility of turning something that I hated to do into something that I didn't mind doing. I was dealing with ingrowns and burn from carts. Now it's about honing my straights to a shave ready level. It has been a hit and miss affair but I'm still learning.
At first I got into all this to save money from cartridges. HA! I am now into this as an addiction to fancy man shaving. I like new stuff over used. I may one day get into restoration though. And if I had to pick a defining feature to my collection, vegan friendly. I enjoy supporting animal friendly products/companies and my shave collection consists of mostly that.
I'm a bit random. I'm a user, I like to try a lot but I have a limited income, so I only try things that aren't too expensive for me.

I don't think I collect, but I am obsessed enough to buy extra vintage razors, never an expensive one and always user grade :)
With regards to stuff - I love (roughly in the correct order) creams, balms, soaps, brushes, DEs, Oils, blades.
More of a user than collector.
As for the non-stuff aspects of shaving I love feeling pampered, ritual, accomplishment.
I got into wet shaving about eighteen months ago simply because I kept seeing my Grandfather's Gillette (made 2Q of 1965), Rubberset brush (soon to be renewed), and Old Spice mug (dated to late 1940s) on display at my mom's house. She gladly passed those items on to me, and I was set. My journey with wet shaving began as intellectual curiousity based on a belief that new/modern isn't always better combined with my complete dissatisfaction at my then current shaving routine. I'll never go back...

I will add, however, that I haven't particulary been struck with GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). I purchased a budget Kent brush and basic supplies, but I haven't felt like I need to try everything. I am thinking that I'd like to have a birth year/quarter Gillette and recognize that I could conceivably benefit from a higher quality brush. I've tried only a couple of creams, Bigelow and Art of Shaving, and am still using the alum block I originally purchased. I use witch hazel after my morning shave, too. I'm still evaluating blades, too, but the Gillette brand seems to work for me. The funniest thing to my wife is that I've keyed in on Lavendar as my favorite scent...

I do plan to broaden my horizons, though, in the coming year.
User. Cheapo, Yeah.

Even the expensive blades are cheap compared to disposables or cartridges. Same goes for soap. I use cheap cakes from the local store, and I got my bowl and brush in a kit at Wal-Mart, where I work for $8.00.

I've had my used Gillette SS for a few years and only used it till now, when I found an Old Type.

Definitely just a user. I enjoy it to a degree, but it's really about minimalism and cost, and it won't turn into a hobby for me.
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