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What's Worse: Lather That Is Too Dry or Too Wet?

Sure, I strive for perfect lather every day. Realistically, I don't always achieve that goal. Sometimes my lather ends up a little too dry. Other times, it's a bit too wet.

I'm finding that my shave is much worse if I use lather that is a little too dry. It seems to reduce the glide significantly, and makes the razor skip. It also ends up turning crusty on my face before I finish a single pass. Yes, I always go back and add water when my lather starts out too dry.

When my lather is a little too wet, I have less of a problem. I'm not talking about lather so wet that it's full of bubbles or ends up thin and watery. Just a little too damp, so that I don't get stiff, shiny peaks on my brush - more like softer, slightly droopy peaks. With this kind of lather, I still seem to get plenty of glide and slickness, just a bit less cushion. I don't get nicks or irritation with slightly wet lather, but I do if the lather is slightly dry.

Anyone else get similar results? I know some of you more experienced shavers probably get exactly the right balance all the time. Perhaps I'll achieve that kind of perfection someday. For now, I think I'll continue to err on the side of slightly wet rather than slightly dry lather.



Needs milk and a bidet!
dry for sure, clogs my razor, wont rinse off the razor as easily, feels like im shaving with clay on my face. baaaaaad. at least if its to wet the razor still glides over your skin
I don't get it. When it's too dry I add a bit of water and things are fine. When too wet I wait for a minute, whisk again and all is fine. Problem solved. I guess I missed the point :huh:.
I don't get it. When it's too dry I add a bit of water and things are fine. When too wet I wait for a minute, whisk again and all is fine. Problem solved. I guess I missed the point :huh:.

I am not yet as good at making lather as you appear to be. Sometimes I think the lather seems ok, and don't notice it's too dry until I start shaving. Even then, I've often been too rushed or too stubborn to wash it off and start again (but I think I've finally learned that lesson.) When my lather is a little too wet, more time working the product can help but doesn't always result in perfect lather for me. I still feel it's a matter of dumb luck or the stars being in correct alignment for me to get perfect lather. So my question was based on the idea that imperfect lather-makers like me need to err on one side or the other, and it seems like others agree that it's better to err on the side of slightly too wet than too dry.

If either one happens, just either add soap or add water, depending on what you need. Otherwise, start over, and get it right. Don't shave with bad lather. It hurts.
I don't get it. When it's too dry I add a bit of water and things are fine. When too wet I wait for a minute, whisk again and all is fine. Problem solved. I guess I missed the point :huh:.

+1. I never "settle." I always either add water or add product. Why would anyone do otherwise?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
If you bowl/scuttle lather then dry is easier to fix - just add a few drops of water.

I don't know why you'd want to shave with either too wet or too dry - fix it.
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