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What's the view from your house ???

Being the snoop I am , after sending stuff to people I usually try and google map their postal address.

Now given that B&B is so international , I'm guessing that people live in all sorts of accomodation in all sorts of places.

After living in the country ( in Hobart that's 20km out of the CBD :001_tt2: ) on 5 acres for about 15 years, we've just moved into the "city" because of the kids school, sport and extra curricular activities .

What's the view from your house ??

Mount Nelson , Tasmania , Australia
Elevation 610m
The river you can see is the Derwent River the deepest southern most port in the world ( gateway to Antartica ) .

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if I stand on the right corner of my balcony I can see the harbour, otherwise I just look (for a fair way) across residential.
The rooftops of surrounding houses:frown:

From my balcony, on a really clear day, I can see the Sierras...but not often:frown:
It depends on the day. Most days I see other houses. On rare, but still all-to-frequent occasions (like today), I see multiple police cars. It's not my fault- I'm boringly normal. It's not that I mind the police of course, it's what attracts their attention...

Time to move.
We see the backs of the apt. houses, townhouses & brownstones on the block north of us, as well as their backyards & courtyards. Not very scenic but occasionally there's some interesting viewing. :eek: Ah, life in a NYC apt.
Granted this picture isn't out of my backyard but this mountain is on the edge of town 2-3 miles from my house.

My view is one of the very few things that I like living around Seattle.
Perhaps JimBow would be so kind as to drop a pic of our surroundings at J-Bad, But this is Fob Wright in Asadabad Afghanistan. This is a view from the FARP house looking into the valley and the town.

Edit: I forgot to mention: I am out here for only a month, I am usually at J-Bad. We all take rotations out here at these FARPS, and we run three of them. So it's kinda like our home away from our home away from home. This one is not too bad. The big concrete slab is where all the magic happens.
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From my front door, I can see the steeple of St. John's Church about 100 feet away from me. This was the church where Patrick Henry famously said "Give me liberty, or give me death!".

Quite appropriate for this weekend, and a very cool thing to see and experience.
What I see Everyday when walking out my front door.....

It's tough on me living here in SE Asia

I mean it is really really tough :wink2:
For me the view is a wall of trees. If I go around the corner of the building then it's a view across the field. If only the river wasn't two blocks away...
nice view, left coast. i'll take pics saturday if i remember... i can see the monument. not all that of a view but yeah

edit: it's miles away..
Not exactly our yard, but not far. Before we moved a little further down the road, we used to walk to the river several times a week.
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