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What's the difference?

Other than the obvious, one's red and one's black, what's the difference in these two strops?


I'm sure it's a silly beginners question, but I am a beginner!!
Both leathers probably are similar but the left strop has a linen component which is very good to use prior to leather. You have to make sure that linen is clean and free of any grit or abrasives that will damage your razor before using it though.
In a nutshell: It appears the one on the left - the red one -is horsehide and on the right - the black one -is cordovan shell, which is also horsehide but a special type from the horse's rear end, processed differently. They both do the exactly same job but the shell is likely more supple (luxurious) and won't scuff as easily as the horsehide because it's tanned differently - the horsehide on the outer 'skin' only, and the shell, more through and through the whole hide. Horsehide is a more common leather and the shell is a more exotic and expensive leather. They look like nice strops. You might use some saddle soap or conditioner on them but first, just work them with the natural oils of your hands till they become pliable if they're not already, and go from there. If they're not dried out and crusty, hand-working them should be enough to get them into service. There are all types of oils and conditioners you can use but generally, it's best to do as little to them as you have to. Strop your razor on the linen first, then leather. (Good point made in the above post re the linen. You can remove it, clean it, and reinstall it, if it needs.) Each of the two leathers are gong to have different feels when stropping so use them both to see which you like. You don't have to choose one over the other, you can use both in tandem or alternate however you feel. It's purely a personal choice. If you've not already learned to strop I would recommend buying a cheap learner's one because you're going to wreck your vintage ones if you just have at them. I'd stay clear of the shell until you really knew what you were doing and were confident you could do fifty laps on it without cutting it it up. There are plenty of threads in this section which discuss reconditioning, and many which discuss good stropping technique. Just read down through them and you should be able to pick up all the tips you'll need to get started. Good score!!! Have fun!
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That shell strop is a great score. If you want to learn a little about the material Nick Horween has done some informative posts on some of the shoe threads at forums like Ask Andy and Style Forum street wear. Horween who produces this in Chicago also has a good site. An excellent cleaner/conditioner for cordovan is Saphir Renovateur. It is available from Leffot and B. Nelson Shoes in NYC among others. You will receive differing opinions on how to treat your cordovan. I for one, would never let my cordovan see saddle soap. YMMV.
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