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What's the coolest (temperature wise) shape pipe you can smoke?

Title says it all.

I saw a really rad tomato online somewhere that looked like a wooden orange with a stem stuck in it. Thinking about getting something like that.

Input is greatly appreciated here.
Don't confuse a cool smoking pipe with a pipe that doesn't get as hot to the touch. The thicker walled pipes tend to be cooler in the hand, but can still burn the heck out of your mouth. You're just smoking too fast Sal.:wink2: I always liked the tomato shaped pipes, couldn't hurt to try it, unless...well you know.:laugh:
+1 the shape doesn't matter as much as the thickness. The thicker he briar wall the cool the pipe will be to the touch but if you smoke it hot it will still taste hot on the flavor of the tobacco.

Don't confuse a cool smoking pipe with a pipe that doesn't get as hot to the touch. The thicker walled pipes tend to be cooler in the hand, but can still burn the heck out of your mouth. You're just smoking too fast Sal.:wink2: I always liked the tomato shaped pipes, couldn't hurt to try it, unless...well you know.:laugh:

And when it does get hot, it STAYS hot!

Slow down. And I'm as guilty as the next guy of smoking hot.
My cobs are helping to train me on that.
That's why I started my pipe smoking with a meershaum because of their need to be smoked cool. An old wise pipe smoker told me when I started that if I could smoke a meershaum cool, I could smoke any pipe made cool.

I did just that and glad I did.
Title says it all.
...but I don't get the question. Are you looking for the lowest temperature smoke or coolest temperature of the bowl in your hand as in how well is the bowl insulated?

If you are asking about the temperature of the smoke and burning tobacco in the bowl, that is mainly going to be determined by how fast hard you puff. Frequent, hard puffing is like using a bellows in a fireplace or forge and will increase temperatures dramatically. Actually a better analogy would be a breeze across the chimney. A stronger breeze increases the draft and makes the fire burn hotter.

Some pipe designs have design features that allow the smoke to cool a little bit. My meerschaum and mahogany calabash pipe has a chamber under the meerschaum bowl where the smoke cools a little bit. I've heard that a long stemmed church warden pipe smokes cooler than other pipes because the smoke cools in the stem. Either of these is slightly more portable than the Dunhill desk pipe mentioned by Commander Quan (I want one!!!).

If outside bowl temperature is what you want to keep cool, consider a pipe with a textured exterior instead of a smooth pipe. With a contoured pipethere is usually some air space under part of your finger at any given time giving you some relief from the hot bowl. In my experience If the heat coming through the bowl is so intense as to be make it uncomfortable to hold either the pipe is burning through or you are puffing too much and it will burn through eventually.

I saw a really rad tomato online somewhere that looked like a wooden orange with a stem stuck in it.
My all time favorite pipe was just such a pipe. I burned through it while learning the lessons above the hard way.
I was referring to coolness of smoke. I thought I read on a thread somewhere around here someone mention certain pipes smoking cooler than others. I figured with walls as thick as this one, it HAS to be a cool smoker. Then I realized out dumb the question was as I was reminded I AM puffing away like a friggin steam engine.
I think my next pipe shall be a tomato...not much of a clencher but I love the way it looks!
$tomato sitter.jpg
This is a Russian Briar Tomato Sitter made by Victor Yashtylov. $500 big ones. A little on the pricey side, but I'm on the search for something like this in an affordable version.
My metal Kirsten pipe smokes very cool. But that's because of the design and materials, not really because of the shape.

...but I don't get the question. Are you looking for the lowest temperature smoke or coolest temperature of the bowl in your hand as in how well is the bowl insulated?

If you are asking about the temperature of the smoke and burning tobacco in the bowl, that is mainly going to be determined by how fast hard you puff. Frequent, hard puffing is like using a bellows in a fireplace or forge and will increase temperatures dramatically. Actually a better analogy would be a breeze across the chimney. A stronger breeze increases the draft and makes the fire burn hotter.

Some pipe designs have design features that allow the smoke to cool a little bit. My meerschaum and mahogany calabash pipe has a chamber under the meerschaum bowl where the smoke cools a little bit. I've heard that a long stemmed church warden pipe smokes cooler than other pipes because the smoke cools in the stem. Either of these is slightly more portable than the Dunhill desk pipe mentioned by Commander Quan (I want one!!!).

If outside bowl temperature is what you want to keep cool, consider a pipe with a textured exterior instead of a smooth pipe. With a contoured pipethere is usually some air space under part of your finger at any given time giving you some relief from the hot bowl. In my experience If the heat coming through the bowl is so intense as to be make it uncomfortable to hold either the pipe is burning through or you are puffing too much and it will burn through eventually.

My all time favorite pipe was just such a pipe. I burned through it while learning the lessons above the hard way.
My Kirsten is generally a cool smoker but if I'm not paying attention or puffing like a train for some reason it can get hot too. The Churchwarden would smoke cool since the smoke has to travel 6 miles before it hits your mouth, but they can be a bit unruly and you pretty much have to dedicate your time to it and not much else.
This is a Russian Briar Tomato Sitter made by Victor Yashtylov. $500 big ones. A little on the pricey side, but I'm on the search for something like this in an affordable version.
Halfway decent woodworking skills can get you your very own one of a kind custom for around $50 plus a few hours of effort.

I spent about 6 hours making mine:

View attachment 249021

And here's a thread where Kentos made his own. Not a Tomato... but a HUGE "tankard" style.
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