Seems like a lot of you gents like sandalwood shaving creams and products with that scent. What is it about sandalwood you like? I'm not a huge fan of it, but I don't dislike it either. Just curious.

maybe I've just smelled too many sandalwood incense being burned that whenever I smell it, it reminds me of the incense
I like the TOBS and AOS sandalwood creams. These were the first creams that I used when I started wet shaving. Every time I smell them it reminds me why I switched from using cartridges and canned cream.
I think it all comes down to personal preference (i.e., what triggers the neural receptors in your brain to think, "damn, I smell good")
Charles at QED has in the past made his own Sandalwood soap and I think it is wonderful. He also did a limited Sandalwood & Rose soap that was excellent also. Whatever floats one's boat, as they say.