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What's the big deal about sandalwood?

Seems like a lot of you gents like sandalwood shaving creams and products with that scent. What is it about sandalwood you like? I'm not a huge fan of it, but I don't dislike it either. Just curious.
I wasn't a fan of the scent until my wife bought me a tub of AoS Sandalwood cream. I really liked the way it smelled. Then I acquired a puck of TOBS Sandalwood hard soap, and it smells even better. Other products I've smelt it in have been offputting, but these two I find pleasing. They bring to mind a small smokey den where men swap manly stories.
maybe I've just smelled too many sandalwood incense being burned that whenever I smell it, it reminds me of the incense
I think it all comes down to personal preference (i.e., what triggers the neural receptors in your brain to think, "damn, I smell good")
I love sandalwood, my fave is TOBS Sandalwood cream. It is rich, has great depth and character and to me it is soothing and relaxing. Other than that I just really like the spicy and woodsy scent it is complicated a bit but I miss it terribly as I ran out probably a year ago so I think I need to restock the next time I find the cash to dish out for sure.
maybe I've just smelled too many sandalwood incense being burned that whenever I smell it, it reminds me of the incense

LOL! Sandalwood reminds me of dirt and uncured wood. I have gathered from searching the sandalwood threads here that many sandalwood scents are a hybrid or mixed with other scents. I have never whiffed it in its' purest form but the more earthier the better for me.
Charles at QED has in the past made his own Sandalwood soap and I think it is wonderful. He also did a limited Sandalwood & Rose soap that was excellent also. Whatever floats one's boat, as they say.
I like the TOBS and AOS sandalwood creams. These were the first creams that I used when I started wet shaving. Every time I smell them it reminds me why I switched from using cartridges and canned cream.
I like sandalwood after shaves. I have other scents I prefer over SW, but I still like and use it. To me, the scent is just different than others and sometimes I like being a little different. I once worked in a lumber yard and had to smell that wood scent everyday, all day long. I really did not like the job at all, but things being what they were at the time, I had no choice but to work there. Now, I like smelling the woody scent not because I have to, but because I choose to.
Pure sandalwood smells (like AOS) are a little too strong for my tastes. But I started coming around to sandalwood when I went to Mexico a few months ago, and a lot of folks down there wore some kind of cologne that smelled like sandalwood and citrus. Never saw it anywhere though. Now it's kind of stuck in my head.
The AOS sandalwood smells good, but i like the proraso sandalwood better.

I even lather on days i don't shave.
I've found I gravitate towards "wood" scents rather than let's say citrus and floral. There's some room for exceptions obviously but there's just something about it that keeps me coming back. I used TOBS today for the first time in ages and I always forget how great it is.
I like the TOBS and AOS sandalwood creams. These were the first creams that I used when I started wet shaving. Every time I smell them it reminds me why I switched from using cartridges and canned cream.

Yeah me too and I can agree with that big time, TOBS was the first sandalwood and cream I used when I left the canned goop. Oh yeah I tossed that can of goop out the door and hugged that tub of shaving cream, it was and is exotic and sealed the deal with wet shaving because...how in the heck can you beat that scent and quality?! You can't, wet shaving beats what I used to use by miles and miles.
Sandalwood is a manly scent, not like some of the sweet girly scents some men wear:biggrin1:. Besides, the ladies love it. Like any after shave, EDT and colognes, it depends on how well it mixes with your body chemistry.
I tried the TOBS Sandalwood in a sample jar and though it performed adequately like all shaving creams from this company the scent didn't sing to me. I felt the same sampling fragrances with sandalwood notes in them. In my opinion there are other notes that give off a more masculine vibe than Sandalwood even if I was going for that which I'm not
Charles at QED has in the past made his own Sandalwood soap and I think it is wonderful. He also did a limited Sandalwood & Rose soap that was excellent also. Whatever floats one's boat, as they say.

I have the Sandalwood & Rose and had the straight up Sandalwood version. It was too Sandalwoody for me, but the Sandalwood & Rose is pretty nice, it can light my face up though.

Not a big fan of sandalwood scent.

I've asked myself the same question, OP. Sandalwood is a fine scent, but it never really knocked my socks off like I expected from all the praise it gets around these parts.

Plus, I think single-scent products are olfactorily boring. Give me a nice mix of fragrances for some complexity any day!
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