Only a couple of weeks until Saint Patrick's day, who is going to get their beef corned up for the day. I have a big packer ready to go into the brine.
I was amazed to see how big it is in the states, I don't think they make that much fuss even in Ireland. Over here we just tend to see it as an excuse to drink as much Guinness as humanly possible and say "OH BEJEESUS!" all day
I can't wait! Lots of folk of Irish decent in my state. If the weather is nice people go nuts and ... use it as an excuse to drink lots of Guiness and wander about in public. Plus love a nice corn beef (both for supper or Breakfast), which i understand is an American thing due to the cheap cost of the meat and picking up the brined brisket idea from the Jewish folk.
Oh the day where everyone in the US is Irish. Green beer and corned beef, how can you go wrong. I think am going to make my first corned beef. When should I get it in the brine, was it 10 days in the brine then 1 day soaking in water? I'll have to read the corned beef thread again.
I polled my kids and they want boxty with salmon this year, so that's what I'm going to be making. But--I might get some beef into the brine anyway so that I can get some smoked meat going.
My oldest girl (the middle child, the picky eater) told me a few years ago that I should make the kind of ham that Grandma and Grandad have for St. Pat's day.
Now she's all about corned beef (and cabbage and potatoes). She also wants it with corn muffins and corn on the side, but I told her that we'd be making a nice soda bread this year.
My picky eater now request corned beef on her birthday. Wants to take sandwiches to school the next day and loves rare steak.
Kelly -- I'll be drinking a Guinness that night at dinner (with my dog Guinness at my feet)