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What's on your Christmas list?

Well Christmas is on its way again, and I thought it might be fun to see what kind of shaving gear B&Bers are asking Santa for this year. I've only been wet shaving since June and only have one good soap and aftershave (both GFT sandalwood) so I'm hoping Santa will bring me a few of the items I've heard you guys rave about so I can start building my collection:

Mitchell's Wool Fat soap
TOBS Jermyn St soap
TOBS Aftershave Gel
GFT Lime soap and skin food
EJ Aloe Vera Soap

What’s on your list?
A big honking list of stuff from The Italian Barber and Fendrihan. This should be good for a few comments from the family member who drew my name.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I couldn't possibly wait two months when I see something I want. I'm old and it's dangerous to wait. Maybe I'll put a couple of the frags that are too expensive for my wallet and hope for the best.
New Ikon OC (both sides)
Above the Tie razors (one forthcoming handle and 2 forthcoming heads)
UFO Handle
Tradere SB
T&H Best Woodstock and Lava brushes
Tradere Slant
BRW Bull Mastiff Handle
Y-3 Black Beauty (minty)
Double Ring
Any old DE I haven't tried
OC TTO Gillette British and Aristocrats
My own giant bathroom lined with shelves and vintage shaving ads
Usually I have no problem coming up with a list, but I'm having a hard time this year.

Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails AS (My wife knows how much I want this, so I have to wait and let her give it to me)
GFT Coconut cream (undecided)
Merkur 46c travel razor (undecided)
Depending on if I can keep from buying more... A brush and some soap. Nothing expensive, just some new stuff to change things up. I don't know if I need blades and I use the same razor every day. One day I'd like to own an Aristocrat but I'm not going to spend a lot on a razor that will sit in my closet :/
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