Where should I buy a nice bath robe? What should I look for?
are you talking debonair silk a la hugh hefner or something more functional?
I don't know if you have Restoration Hardware stores near you, but they sell very nice bathrobes. They're around 120 dollars I think though, so pretty expensive. They sell both functional robes (thick towel material), spa robes (towel material inside, soft fabric outside), and lounge robes.
If you don't have that store, look for any chichi type of home store like Restoration Hardware. I think they may have some.
I'm not looking for some kinky, seductive playboy robe
Unless you are worried about goats hurting the environment, I suggest:
Not that it is a realistic suggestion. A cashmere robe is so over the top self-indulgent, it had to be mentioned.
Unless you are worried about goats hurting the environment, I suggest:
Not that it is a realistic suggestion. A cashmere robe is so over the top self-indulgent, it had to be mentioned.
Hugh Hefner's robes seem to function just fine for him.