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Whatever Happened to Seal-On Blotters?

Idle curiosity … in my first go-round with wet shaving I was astonishingly bad at it (for a variety of reasons). I found styptic pencils, matches, and rollons seldom up to the task of stanching my too-frequent bloodlettings. One day I tripped across a product called Seal-On Blotters. These little sheets fed out of a wee plastic packet (like a breath strip) and simply laying one over a nick seemed to stop it instantly, painlessly, and permanently.

This go-round a decade or so later I'm enjoying myself and haven't had the need (yet) but as I was reassembling recent kit I thought I'd grab some Seal-Ons to have on hand. Uh, no. The only references I can find to them in a cursory search are what look like some vintage samples with UK Ebay sellers, some of whom will not ship to USA, or if so at a fairly steep rate. Apologies for the US-centric nature of this inquiry but I'm curious if anyone knows when and why they disappeared from general availability in US? Legal/approval issues? Sales disappointment? Fatal runaway coagulation incident?

Have you ever used these things?

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