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What was your best pre-shave technique so far?

I have tried different things:
Pre-shave oil
Kyle's prep
Hot towel

But the best pre-shave I had was: olive oil. It even smoothened my skin after shaving....

What is your best pre-shave?
I just started shaving before my shower and this has been working wonders for me -

1) Splash hot/warm water on face several times
2) Lather up (or Proraso Pre)
3) Strop razor
4) Rinse off lather (or Proraso Pre) with hot/warm water
5) Re-apply lather
6) Shave!
Here's what I've found to be the best for me in 30 or so years of wet shaving (as always, YMMV...)

1) Run a sinkful of hot tap water into sink and put brush in to soak, making sure to get the brush fully wet and submerged. If using soap, dribble a bit of water onto top of soap puck.
2) Shower as usual
3) When first entering shower, rub some hair conditioner into beard and let sit
4) While in shower, scrub entire face well with Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Oil soap and a bath sponge, washing off all of the conditioner
5) Last thing before turning off shower, get a good soaking of hot water on beard
6) Immediately after toweling dry, begin lathering and "commence shaving"
1. wash Face at beginning of shower with good bar soap
2. Rinse face again at the end of shower
3. don't dry face after getting out of shower
4. face lather
5. shave
I use a hot towel all the time now. I love using Proraso pre/post but I only use it when I use Proraso to shave. It seems to be too strong smelling to use with anything else. But for sure I get my best shaves when I use it!
A shower has been the best and simplest pre-shave routine for me.

I've tried Kyles, Oils, letting the lather set for a few minutes, but none of them seem to have any effect on the shave. Maybe I expect too much...
after my shower, I lather up my face and let it sit while I get my clothes set out and brush my teeth...works every time.

This. Plus I use Noxzema as a face wash, and let it sit on my face during the entire shower.

I also will spend at least a minute building the lather on my face.
I've tried shaving before and after shower, with and without Kyle's prep. I have not used pre-shave oils of any type. I found Kyle's prep to help, and it provides a very luxuriant feeling, but tend to skip it for the daily shave due to time.

My standard routine is:
- fill a mug with hot water, insert brush and let it sit (hot water from tap is fine)
- apply several handfuls of hot water all over the face
- apply a face scrub and really scrub it in (I've used Neutrogena face wash before, currently using C&E Naturals)
- let the scrub sit and soak in, brush my teeth
- empty mug and refill with hot water from tap, insert brush again
- apply hot water with fingers to beard, scrubbing in the face scrub again
- wash face with hot water, remove all the scrub
- remove brush from mug, refill mug with hot water from tap again
- face lather with whatever cream strikes my fancy that morning, working it in liberally with the brush, dipping the brush tips into the hot water mug periodically
- finally, commence shave.
Fill up sink with hot water and brush in the sink. Then I get in the shower. After my shower, I start loading up my brush and then start shaving.. Best prep is to shave after my shower.

For me it goes:

1) Wet face with warm water
2) Proraso Pre
3) Moderately Hot Shower
4) AOS Pre shave oil (hey it works for me)
5) Tabac with a just a dab of Prorarso cream in the mix

Super smooth shave
I've tried a few things too, including Kyle's, Proraso Pre, Shave Oils and letting the lather sit. My latest routine (been doing it about a week) seems to be the best.

In the shower, I wash my face with Anthony's facial cleanser, rinse and put American Crew Tea Tree conditioner on my beard. I let that sit for the duration of my shower. I can never seem to get right to shaving after my shower. I always seem to need to dry off (including my face) and at least put my pants on. Then I just rewet my face with hot water, lather up and go. It's been noticably better than anything else I've done.
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