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what was the best seller SE razor?


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Interesting question - you do see many Micromatics out there, but also a ton of the Schick E & G -Types .. seems like my memory is that the MM and the E's were produced for the most years, but those years included the Great Depression during which most weren't buying new crap just to get new crap. There's a ton also of the 1912 pattern GEMs in all their variations
I think it would be the Schick Injector. Injector-style razors lasted from the 20's into just a few years ago, whereas the normal single-edged blade razors stopped selling in the 1970s (GEM Pushbutton, Contour II).

When I was younger, I always remember seeing double-edged blades and Injector blades at the drugstore, but I can't recall ever seeing single edged blades outside of a hardware store. I know it's apocryphal.
I think the best selling SE razors over time would be the Schick Injector razors. In close second place would be the Star/Ever-Ready/Gem 1912's. Third would be the non-1912 Gem's. And a distant last would be Pal.

All of that is based upon my uninformed intuition, sprinkled with some guess work, with no hard evidence.
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