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What to do with a ton of used blades?

What should I do with a whole mess of used DE blades? I know that I should have stuffed each one into the %$#@! little slot on the back of the box, but I gave up on that long ago. Poking and cursing at a lethally-sharp sliver of metal within 5 minutes of having been asleep is not my idea of how to start the day. I know that others do this with ease but, however that may be, I now have a couple Trumper’s tubs full of blades, and am wondering how to dispose of them. I could screw the lids down tight and just toss them in the garbage, but somehow my conscience – usually quite accommodating - won’t let me do that. I have visions of children rummaging through a landfill, wondering what could be inside the pretty box. So what to do? I really would appreciate some suggestions. Here are my ideas so far:

Start in on the third tub, and postpone the decision (the most likely outcome)

Mix up a batch of epoxy, pour it in, then toss (expensive)

Dump them overboard in the Atlantic next time I go sailing, expecting that sea water will corrode and dissolve the metal (not very PC, probably illegal)

Find out what hospitals do with their single-use blades/needles, and do the same (unrealistic)

Locate a building site that is pouring concrete and slip them into the mixture (loopy)

Mail them to Ousama BL, indicating “anniversary gift” on the customs form (pretty good idea, actually)

Consult the experts on the Badger and Blade forum (done).
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would make sure that your tube/tin/container is secure and that none of the blades can come out. I would then make an inquiry at your nearest hospital to know how they dispose of their medical stuff (blades/needles/etc).
Stack them up and wrap with electricl tape.Any kids rummaging will just ignore a little black nugget of tape.
I asked myself the same question after looking at a razor blade pig on the bay. I decided I would buy a sharps box form the bay which although not very attractive is safe and secure and the hospital will take it from you no questions asked! :smile:
I see that you live in Paris.
As far as I'm aware all garbages retrieved in Paris go directly to the incinerator of Issy les Moulineaux.

Then, you should not be afraid of putting your tub full of blades directly to the garbage.
You can just put scotch tape around the tub to ensure that it won't open accidentally.
I put my used blades in a metal broth can. They can't come out of the can unless the top is removed.

Similar to this.

When full, I will tape the top, and toss in recycle bin.
Agreed on this:

I put my used blades in a metal broth can. They can't come out of the can unless the top is removed.

Similar to this.

When full, I will tape the top, and toss in recycle bin.

Except I'm planning to melt mine down when it's full and make something out of the extremely nice steel that seems to make up DE blades. The dross ought to skim right off the top. Maybe Jatte can weigh in on this thought.

Here is a link to an excellent book site, specifically for the charcoal foundry you would need:


heh heh heh

- John
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It always amazes me how people fret over disposing of used DE blades. The solution has always been simple, just toss them in trash! Preferably in some sort of covered container.

Worrying that someone might cut themselves on a razor blade is kind of silly.

Consider that broken glass and sharp edged tin cans are already in trash sources, along with sharp plastic edges and other objects that can cut. Do you fret about that? And recycling blades is out of the question in many areas because they won't take such waste due to considering it to be a bio hazard.

I never hear such angst over tossing out cartridges.
I see that you live in Paris.
As far as I'm aware all garbages retrieved in Paris go directly to the incinerator of Issy les Moulineaux.

Then, you should not be afraid of putting your tub full of blades directly to the garbage.
You can just put scotch tape around the tub to ensure that it won't open accidentally.

LOL and I have read all the rubbish of Paris is driven away and scattered onto the champagne vineyards!
Unless you know that you're dealing with bio-hazardous waste/blood-borne disease, going the "sharps container"/ hazmat disposal route seems like massive overkill and may not be inexpensive due to special processing required.

I say, find a secure container of some sort, put blades in, tape it up, throw in trash.
Find out what hospitals do with their single-use blades/needles, and do the same (unrealistic)

Some hospitals, or at least local doctors offices will give you boxes to dispose of needles fro free and then dispose of them for you with their own hazardous waste. Its not impossible that you're friendly neighborhood physician wouldn't be able to help you out.
I made a slit in the lid of a coffee can and keep it in the cabinet under the sink. This method should keep me in business for at least a decade.

When I moved last time, I just duct taped the dickens out of the coffee can and threw it in the dumpster.

I'll probably have to keep the can somewhere else, though, when the baby is born and gets big enough to start snooping around.
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