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What To Do About Cuts!

I have been using straights for a few weeks now and am getting a lot better. However, I get so nice cuts from time to time that look like they were made by my fat, old cat, Lucy. With the coming of spring and more exposure to sun light, the scars are becoming more prominent. I suspect that they will look like neon signs by the time I attain my usual mahogany-like tan in a few weeks. What to do, besides instantly getting better with the straights (like avoiding the ever deadly XTG pass-it is during that pass that I seem to have the least visibility and control of the blade), an unlikely event or stopping using the things until all the marks fully heal?
If you are asking what to do afterwards, I second Jon's suggestion of Neosporin. During the shave, styptic powder or styptic matches.
I've heard of Maderma, and I'm currently applying it to a nice little scar I got with a badly honed razor (one of my firsts).

Its quite expensive for a little tube, and you need to apply it for 8-12 weeks, but there seems to be some positive feedback on it. For my part its been about 1.5 weeks, so too soon to see much of a difference.


Loves a smelly brush
I just styptic them and then rinse my face with a bit of soap on my hands to kill any germs. The nice thing about the cuts I've gotten with a straight is they're very thin and heal completely in about 48 hours or so. :)
Pinaud styptic pencil to stop the bleeding during shave and my secret weapon for scars after... Trader Joes Coconut Body Butter!
If you continue to nick yourself, have you considered the hone on the blade? Anytime I get a nick, it's most ALWAYS the blade.
I think that I have not been stretching the skin on my fat little face sufficiently. I have gotten better at it in the last week or so, and the number of cuts is diminishing.

I have another related question. At the most, I shave every other day, using WTG, XTG and ATG, plus some touch up on my jawline. My whiskers are like wire and my skin is sensitive (and fat). Would I be better off and less cut prone by shaving every day with just two passes, probably WTG and ATG?
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