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What the %#@#!!!!!

I've been using DE for at least 4 or 5 months now and I've gotten really good at my technique and typically do 2 or 3 passes (time permitting). Ocassionally I have a morning where I look at my face and say "What the %#@#!" and I feel like I just took a butcher's knife to my face.

Today in particular I had a bad incident... maybe it's because I had a full weekend and wasn't paying attention.

Who else has mornings like that? The kind where you ask yourself... "What did I just do myself??
I've had a few days with my straights where I looked like I was in a car crash and put my face through the windshield.:a46:
I have/ In fact fot the first four or five months I hacked up my face I spent alot of time being too embarrsased to leave the house.

Let your face heal for a couple more days, then take it easy for a while. I had a bad shave last week. Not totally bad, but I did have some red spots on the side of my face.

Keep with it. Chances are you are still learning your technique. It will get better, I promise.

Sometimes I have some irritation on my neck that is quite persistent, though. I find it really annoying when that happens.

Oh, well. At worst, it's JABS (Just Another Bad Shave). Could be worse. Could be having one every day, like some guys.
That was me this morning, I shaved at the gym after my workout and aside from having really good technique, I bled bad this morning. Don't ask me why, followed proper prep and had a fresh blade in the razor too.
This morning's incident wasn't too bad. I've been going XTG on my chin and I was using a feather blade.

I guess I didn't pay attention to the angle (or anything else for that matter) b/c after I saw the blood I realized I was at a 90 degree angel to my chin. It wasn't as bad as it couldn't have been but I did wear a giant bandaide on my chin when I left for work.

Luckily I take the subway to work so Nooo one could see me. Ha. :001_tongu

I kept my jacket zipped up all the way and my chin burried in it for my entire morning commute. I stopped in at the pharmacy to buy some liquid bandage before I got to my desk.

I don't mind using styptic here and there but this was absurd!

But on the contrary , thank's to the sharpness of the feather blade, there was really only a small cut (width). Who knows what the depth is of that sucker though. :scared: Ugh.

I guess I need to change my chin tactic!
I very rarely have bad shaves anymore. The last two horrific shaves were due to a faulty razor.

Small nicks occasionally still happen, when I am testing new blades.
I still have a not so good shave every 10 days or so. I usually find it to be operator error. Especially an earlier than usual morning and not paying attention. DE shaving definitely requires that one be DE-tail oriented :001_unsur
Once in a while I"ll still get a nick or irritation because I rushed and wonder what the heck I was doing. It's rare, but does happen.
I experience now and again, usually right around the time I'm thinking, "Am I pressing too hard?".:sad:
Yeah, it happens. It doesn't happen once a week or so for me, it just came out of the blue, one week of completely **** poor shaves.

Two things I realised, I was trying to shave in record time instead of taking my time, and the second, on one particular day the screw had come loose on the bottom of my Merkur HD and subsequently the blade was rattling around. I hacked my face off before I realised. :cursing:

Hanniball Lecter eat your heart out.

Just go back to taking your time, and not rushing and double check the blade is securely fastened!!
Since I started using a DE I've never really cut myself, only really happens if there's a small bump or something I don't see before lathering up and creates a weeper or similar.
It only happens to me when i wake up late in the morning and have a meeting to attend to... And the fact that most times i have meetings, mysteriously my alarm doesn't seem to operate correctly !!!!

Its not a good look, presenting to the BOD with nicks up and down your neck :angry:
I've been using DE for at least 4 or 5 months now and I've gotten really good at my technique and typically do 2 or 3 passes (time permitting). Ocassionally I have a morning where I look at my face and say "What the %#@#!" and I feel like I just took a butcher's knife to my face.

Today in particular I had a bad incident... maybe it's because I had a full weekend and wasn't paying attention.

Who else has mornings like that? The kind where you ask yourself... "What did I just do myself??
still new to this BUT...today I made a boneheaded move. i was trimming my mustache off of my lip and..yep...you got it..I cut my lip. Adroit use of a styptic pen and a cool washcloth saved the day but I felt like an idiot...go to know I am not the only one with a bad day...keep trying...I will :)
Oh yes. I'm still not entirely sure what happened, but I cut myself rather impressively three weeks ago with my Parker. I think I bumped my arm as I was leaning towards the mirror so I could see better as I was finishing an ear-to-chin pass and sank the entire edge of the blade into my cheek just to the right of my mouth. It took a while to stop the bleeding on that one and I switched to a cartridge for a couple of days. It healed well but now I've got a nice faint scar to remind me that caution is a virtue.

EDIT: Did I mention that I had meetings that day? It just made the day more fun.
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As has been mentioned above, I do have the "not so good shave" days, but it is usually me being in a hurry and not paying attention. The good news.....they are happening less often.
This happens to me usually when I try to speed up the pass. End up applying too much pressure, or take longer strokes, or both. Especially on the ATG pass, that's sure to draw blood. The other thing I've noticed recently is that my Feather blades only lasts 2 complete shaves. I do 3 complete passes - WTG, XTG and ATG. The blade starts failing on the 3rd shave, and becomes really evident on the ATG pass.
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