I don't have a straight razor, but the way this is going for me I do anticipate purchasing one in the next several months. I do however have some Japanese Kitchen knives and some shaprening stones to sharpen them with.
Stones I currently have were purchased from CKTG:
Latte 400 Grit Stone
Nubatama Ume 1000 Grit Stone
Suehiro Rika 5000 Grit Stone
I'm looking for the next stone in the progression for knife shapening while also finding something that would be great to sharpen a straight down the road. When I was considering this for knives i thought I'd get a Snow White 8K and that would be it for the knives.
With a straight however I might want to go to an even higher grit stone. So do I go right to a 10K from the 5K or should I go for an 8K, or a different stone all together.
Are any of the stones I currently have any good for straights. When I bought them I had no idea that I'd even be considering a straight.
How big of a jump can I go from the 5K that I already have?
What Grit do I need to go up to in order to get a nice comfortable shave. I know you can shave off of an 8K but is it all that comfortable.
Please share your opinions about any particular stones that you might suggest (what you like and don't like about them).
I'm not interested in going the lapping film route and I'm thinking synthetic stones at this point.
Maybe a JNAT down the road.
Sorry so many questions. If you have a moment to spare please share your thoughts. I do appreciate it.
Thank you!
I don't have a straight razor, but the way this is going for me I do anticipate purchasing one in the next several months. I do however have some Japanese Kitchen knives and some shaprening stones to sharpen them with.
Stones I currently have were purchased from CKTG:
Latte 400 Grit Stone
Nubatama Ume 1000 Grit Stone
Suehiro Rika 5000 Grit Stone
I'm looking for the next stone in the progression for knife shapening while also finding something that would be great to sharpen a straight down the road. When I was considering this for knives i thought I'd get a Snow White 8K and that would be it for the knives.
With a straight however I might want to go to an even higher grit stone. So do I go right to a 10K from the 5K or should I go for an 8K, or a different stone all together.
Are any of the stones I currently have any good for straights. When I bought them I had no idea that I'd even be considering a straight.
How big of a jump can I go from the 5K that I already have?
What Grit do I need to go up to in order to get a nice comfortable shave. I know you can shave off of an 8K but is it all that comfortable.
Please share your opinions about any particular stones that you might suggest (what you like and don't like about them).
I'm not interested in going the lapping film route and I'm thinking synthetic stones at this point.
Maybe a JNAT down the road.
Sorry so many questions. If you have a moment to spare please share your thoughts. I do appreciate it.
Thank you!