What should I use first?
Jan 20, 2013 #3 seattleshaver Send them to me. I'll experiment with the best order and usage and return what's left to you (maybe).
Send them to me. I'll experiment with the best order and usage and return what's left to you (maybe).
Jan 20, 2013 Thread starter #5 Gref They all smell pretty good. I am leaning towards Proraso Red. That was the item that led to the shipment you see. The P.160 is tempting.
They all smell pretty good. I am leaning towards Proraso Red. That was the item that led to the shipment you see. The P.160 is tempting.
Jan 20, 2013 #6 G Gingerbread I'll be the minority and say the Palmolive stick. Those things are just the bee's knees.
Jan 20, 2013 #7 Graybeard57 Proraso, only because it smells so good. Agree that any of them would be a good choice.
Jan 20, 2013 #8 gash Use the Institut Karite last, because it will put most/all of the others to shame. Just my opinion.
Jan 20, 2013 Thread starter #9 Gref I should have mentioned the IK samples are just moisturizers. sorry.
Jan 20, 2013 #11 ricardo9505 i've tried proraso so in your shoes I'd go La Toja shaving stick. BUT if your new you gotta try the proraso cream - is that the new blue formula? as my fired used to say from a movie quote: "well,.... what are we waiting for??"
i've tried proraso so in your shoes I'd go La Toja shaving stick. BUT if your new you gotta try the proraso cream - is that the new blue formula? as my fired used to say from a movie quote: "well,.... what are we waiting for??"
Jan 20, 2013 #12 TriSlim Fresco is good stuff. I just got a tub of that and Red Proraso last week from the Italian Barber. I should have my tub of Razorock XXX next week from IB too. I am a big fan of Razorock soaps, croaps, and aftershaves (both lotion and wax). TriSlim
Fresco is good stuff. I just got a tub of that and Red Proraso last week from the Italian Barber. I should have my tub of Razorock XXX next week from IB too. I am a big fan of Razorock soaps, croaps, and aftershaves (both lotion and wax). TriSlim
Jan 20, 2013 #13 mheusler I'd dig in to that cacao. I love the scent on that. Where'd you get that haul from? Max.
Jan 20, 2013 #14 gunterbr I'd be starting with Proraso, but that's just me. Let us know how these all work out for you!