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What should I buy?

I'm trying to buy an aftershave online (i.e. I don't know of anywhere nearby to go try samples of aftershaves), but I'm not REALLY sure what I'm looking for. I'd rather something that was more like a cream or a lotion rather than something the consistency of water/alcohol. I'd like it to smell nice - musky or lime - but not floral. I'd like it to be a reasonable price like under $30. What do you guys suggest? :confused1
One other piece of information. I'm not really a big fan of the mentholated stuff. I just don't like my face feeling cold.
Go to a Mall if not order Aqua Vela Ice Blue and some Clubman. Also try a Major Drug Store Chain they have all sorts of scents.
My favorite ASB is proraso balm. It has a VERY, VERY mild cooling effect. You may also want to try Nivea sensitive after shave balm. Both are fantastic.
I'd say go for Castle Forbes limes aftershave balm, you can start off by trying the 30ml bottle which is within your price point.
If you tone with some witch hazel right after your cold water rinse - you'll find that aftershaves (with or w/o alcohol) are great. Not that a balm isn't great too (as I'm sure you're already aware!), but you're limiting your choices by sticking with a cream/balm formulation. There are literally hundreds of aftershaves of the water/alcohol consistency that are left out of your equation that are, to many, really sublime. For example - Trumpers, Taylors, T&H, Provence Sante, Aubrey's, D.R. Harris, Musgo, Speick, Ogallala, and so on and on... Personally, I love em all! And most would agree that you cannot go wrong with Musgo Real or Speick (Aftershave or Balm)


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Nivea would be a good start, very neutral however, not that musky. A tiny bit soapy...
I too am in the balm camp. I would second the recommendation of Nivea Sensitive. Nice and neutral, won't clash with a cologne later. You may also consider Club Complete. It's a balm, and is great. It can be had online for between 7-14 dollars. Then you can have a splash of the Clubman AS, and rock the clubman all day long.
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