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what shaving creams do you use for everyday?

What shaving creams do you use for everday or like to switch other shaving creams for rotation?

I don't use the same shaving creams every few days but I like to switch the shaving creams every few days when I shave. Depends How I feel.

For example, Yesterday, I use T&H Almond creams which gave a great shave and I love the scent. The next time I'm going to shave, I will use TOBS Rose.
You know what I means. I don't use the same creams all time. I like to switch back and forth.

How many shaving creams do you have? I have five different shaving creams.

I have T&H Grafton and T&H Almond on tube, TOBS Avocado and TOBS Rose on tub, and The Art of Shaving Sandalwood on tube.

Chris A.
I presently have around 10 Shaving Creams/Soaps, with another 8 or so varieties on the way. I try to limit my rotation to 4-5 of them, so that I get a good feel for each, as I am still a newbie. :biggrin:
I shave 5 days a week and rotate among the following:

Santa Maria Novella
Penahaligons Endymion
Penhanligons Castile
Body Shop Maca Root
Musgo Real
TOBS Jermyn St. for sensitive skin
Hi Chris,

I use a lot of samples trying to find creams I like. A few of my favorites that I use often are Trumpers Coconut and Speick.
I have a small rotation that includes AoS Lavender, AoS Sandalwood, TOBS Lemon/Lime, and Solo Regular. The first three are the best (the middle two so far my favorites), but all get the job done. Arko was recently dropped from the rotation as it doesn't agree with me.


Here I am, 1st again.
Williams makes a cream?? Never seen it. Where do you find it?

***Sorry. I didn't see the word 'cream'. I use Williams' soap.***
Body Shop Maca Root cream
Arko extra moisture cream
Old Spice Lime cream
Body Shop older formula cream
G something , made in India with lots of lanolin and glycerin

I have more creams than I care to bother listing - let's just say it's a lot. These days, I use Trumper coconut almost exclusively, but I will play with others on occasion.
I rotate 4-5 different ones on a regular basis, and occasionally add others. There is always a TOBS, a T&H, and a menthol in the mix.
I like to use both, so my soaps & creams battle each other for a spot in the rotation. Just depends what I feel like using for that day. I guess I have about 7 creams & about 7 soaps but there is only 7 days in the week ... so it makes for some tough decision making somedays. :wink: But any Mama Bear or DR Harris soap seem to be used the most
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