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What other soap is comparable to Tabac?

Just wondering what other soaps have you found to be comparable on the basis of:
  • lather quality
  • price
  • overall quality
  • scent (optional)
Cella. Makes a wonderful lather, slightly cheaper than Tabac, has a nice light almond scent, and is easily available by the kilo if so desired. Good stuff. :thumbup1:
arko wins on overall value, its so cheap for such a great soap

others that I like are Cade, Trumpers Limes & the T&H Soap
In no particular order

Arko = Cheap and good but stinks
Proraso = Good but soft
Valobra =OK
Palmolive = Not expensive Good
Irisch Moos = Tabac with a different smell
La Toja = OK
Speik = OK smells good
Mitchell's Wool Fat, Cella, D.R. Harris, Valobra stick and Palmolive are all great soaps. None of them smell like Tabac, but most are in the same price range (D.R. Harris soaps and Valobra are more expensive).
I second Arko (which smells great :biggrin:), Irisch Moos (Tabac with a different smell), Palmolive and Speick.
Another great almond soap from Italy is the P.160. Wonderfull lather and surprisingly cheap for its quality.
Try Prairie Creations. It's made by a member and works just as well (in my opinion better) as Tabac. You can also get it in a lot of different scents.
My personal favorite is Fitjarsoaps "Amber". The soapmaker, Jorunn also has a lot of other scents, and imo this is great quality handmade soaps.
dr harris and valobra stick are on par as far as quality imo. Different characteristic yes, but they're all in the same ball parko imo.

use it as an excuse to try a bunch of new soaps.

although i must say, that such talk is blasphemous during the month of tabactober!
Note that the overwhelming majority of recommendations contain tallow.

My favorites, all of which I think are a bit better than Tabac:

MWF, Prairie Creations, Cella.

Wasn't too fond of D.R.Harris (Arlington) -- didn't appreciate the scent, but that's just me.

I have not tried too many though. For example I have tried NONE of the ones mentioned by Biffo and that's a pretty long list!
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Note that the overwhelming majority of recommendations contain tallow.

My favorites, all of which I think are a bit better than Tabac:

MWF, Prairie Creations, Cella.

Wasn't too fond of D.R.Harris (Arlington) -- didn't appreciate the scent, but that's just me.

Same here for the Arlington, bought because of a recommendation, its the one soap I won't be replacing I will have to find something else now ...... (thinks hard)
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