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What Magazines Do You Subscribe To?

I found out how entertaining and time consuming Readers Digest can be when I was a telemarketer (the most boring job in history) many years ago. I discovered Parents while in waiting rooms during my wife's pregnancy last year; the magazine provides tons of valuable info. That's why I subscribe to both!
The Atlantic is excellent. And I enjoy Gourmet -- but it may be losing too many ads to continue its print edition. Enjoy it while you can.
For about the last 15 years, I've been enjoying a free subscription to Playboy ... I'm not exactly sure why they keep sending it to me, but it has followed me through 3 different address changes. I never get a bill, but occasionally I get a postcard asking if I would like to cancel my free subscription. Yeah, like I'm really going to do that.

I also subscribe to the annual hardcover edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac ... the hardcover has more articles than the paper copies you can buy at a retail bookstore. And the subscription includes a Gardening Calendar, discounts on other OFA products, access to the online digital version, and reprints of the almanac from 100 and 200 years ago. Its fascinating reading.
Men's Health
The Economist (online only, saves paper and I don't have to change my address each time I move)
Off and on with Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs subscriptions
Mental Floss
Previously had Men's Health that i haven't yet renewed since I moved.

Currently i subscribed to Wired (only $10!!!) and Fast Company.
Esquire for about the last ten years.
Bon Appetit
Shambalha Sun
Architectural Digest
American Cinematographer
Modern Dog for the girlfriend.
I used to get Cigar Afficionado... until I realised that despite the paid cigar ads spanning two page spreads, there was little content concerning cigars.

I don't really care about luxury golf retreats and watches worth more than my car.
good thread. better then going through ones medicine cabinet or garbage.

The New Yorker
harper's magazine
rolling stone
Time they sent me a senior discount price of $10 for 2 years Im not even 35.
Air and Space Smithsonian
American Rifleman
JP (Jeep Magazine)

For the wife:
Readers Digest
Costal Living
Cooking Light
Adoptive Parents

The Economist
Shambalha Sun
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Antique Hoosier

Hemmings Classic Car

In the past.... GQ, Esquire, Playboy et all.

Now that I'm soon to be 49 only the Hemmings remains... might explain why I'm single! :tongue:
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