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What is your Holy Grail razor to add to your collection?

So everyone one with more than two razors in his (or her) collection has a Holy Grail razor that they are looking for. The next razor that you would die (or kill) to get your hands on. For me it is a Gilllette ABC Pocket Edition Empire set in silver (similar to Mr Razor's below) but with a different finish. I've got a silver case but no razor. What is yours???
Fun thread. For me, it's the Big Boy. I've decided to make the quest sporting, though -- I'd rather find one in the wild than on a razor farm such as ebay or b/s/t. The thrill of the hunt, as it were. :smile:
I'm at a point of pausing in the acquisitions, taking stock of what I have, shaving with anything I haven't already shaved with. No more eBay or BST for now, although if there's something really cheap at a flea market . . .

Next phase will be selling or PIFfing some of the duplicates.

If I take up buying stuff again after that, there are a couple of types of razor I'd like to find. One of the early TTOs with an open comb (Aristocrat, Senator, Sheraton). Also, either a Ranger Tech or a 1947 Super Speed.

And I wouldn't say no to a D type Injector, but none of this stuff is quite at Holy Grail level.
I too have slowed down my collecting to a crawl and parted with many. One I sold is a big regret and my holy grail for now: Gillette #15.

P.S. See my WTB! :biggrin1:
For me it would be a 30's President New Deluxe. Thanks to Highball, I already have seven New Deluxe razors, but would like to find a president.:biggrin1:
a Big Boy.

an aluminum Rocket.

a silver ABC Floral; a gold Empire.

an ABC in gunmetal case....

this is all condition notwithstanding; I'm not even thinking of "improving" the razors I have. That's far less important to me than having an example of something I haven't used or don't have - thus the Big Boy at the top of the list.
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A Dubl Duck WonderEdge... which I have. Hmm...

A Dubl Duck WonderEdge with identical copy of stock scales (same metal accents) but done in one piece of Mother of Pearl scales instead of cracked Ice plastic).
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