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What is your favorite shaving soap for value and scent?


Head Cheese Head Chef
Stirling is a great company to start with. Terrific product, easy to lather, great scents and a decent variety. I also think they do the best samples in the business. I can't live a happy life without Margritas in the Arctic.

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Thank you for the welcome. I found a listing of a safety razor I want to buy on the forum but I can't message the seller it says
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Chef455 I see from Arvada I just moved from Colorado Springs (12yrs) to Florida!
Miss those mountains!
Thank you for the welcome. I found a listing of a safety razor I want to buy on the forum but I can't message the seller it says
You have insufficient privileges to reply here. How do I contact a member to purchase from them?

You can't use the private message system until you have more posts (50 posts, I think).

Just one good, inexpensive soap? How about Ach. Brito Mogno or Musgo, Haslinger Honey (or unscented Sensitive), Cella Extra Extra Bio in the green tub (not the tube).
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Dull yet interesting
Stirling is a great company to start with. Terrific product, easy to lather, great scents and a decent variety. I also think they do the best samples in the business. I can't live a happy life without Margritas in the Arctic.

Welcome to B&B!
I, too, would highly recommend Stirling Soap Co. My personal favorite is Barbershop but they have dozens of great scents and their soaps lather quite nicely. You can order samples for just a little over $4.00 apiece plus shipping.
Another one that's affordable, readily available and very pleasant is Proraso Green.
Lots of good options already posted but I’ll add a few I haven’t seen mentioned and one isn’t even a soap, for you to look at.

Mike’s Natural Soaps (excellent soaps, lather well, nice scents)

Captain’s Choice (excellent soap and/or shaving creams, nice lather, great scents)

And to add a Shaving Cream…

Cyril R. Salter (excellent lather, big tubs, nice, mild scents)

There are so many great products out there. Pick a couple of samplers, or one or two of the recommendations and go for it.

In the beginning every soap and shaving cream is more capable of making a great shaving lather than you or I are/were. “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Enjoy the ride.
Arko! is a fantastic soap that just smells like soap.
I would also suggest checking out Razorock soaps, great performance at a good price.
So far XXX and Mudder Focker are my personal favorites. My missus LOVES the smell of Mudder Focker to the point that I bought the cologne to go with the soap and splash.

Be well


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Stirling and Haslinger are very solid choices. Scent is a very personal thing, but they have choices.

MdC is probably my first choice for value for the money, but the way your question is worded doesn't give me the impression you're looking to shell out a sizable lump of upfront money.
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