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What is your favorite General Shaving Talk forum on B&B?

What's your favorite General Shaving Talk forum on B&B?

  • General Shaving Discussion

  • Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-In

  • Shaving Brushes

  • Colognes

  • Shave/Scent of the Day!

  • Shaving Soaps

  • Shaving Creams

  • Skin, Body & Hair Care

  • Aftershaves

  • Safety Razors

  • General Straight Razor Talk

  • Art Chat

Results are only viewable after voting.
Just like the title says: Vote for your favorite forum, and if you'd like to, let us know why.:thumbup: If your fave is a sub-forum, vote for the main title it falls under. I couldn't include all of the sub-forums since the max # of poll options is 12!:001_rolle
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The Safety Razor Blades sub-forum is my favorite. I just can't stay away! Guess I'm gonna be one of those "lifetime blade tester" guys! Oh well...:huh: :001_smile
I voted safety razors but because of its sub-forum razor blades because they make the biggest difference IMO once you got your technique down and settled with some products you like.

I like the fora on soaps and brushes a lot too but the first I visit is the blades sub-forum.
well for the last three months it has been all things straight razor, but lately i feel my skills are settling in and have enjoyed getting back to the rest of the board. i guess some of my other AD's have been felling neglected and demand more attention!
I like the Noob check-in. The discussions might not be terribly involved, but it's great to see new people joining and welcomed. Very few boards are as friendly to new members and most take shots at new people asking for information. The rest of the forums here are great, but nothing else helps new membership and recruitment as much.
This was a tough one for me. I generally start at View New Posts which lets me see what is new on all of the forums. When I first found B&B, what first caught my attention was the Reviews area. That said, my first AD by a good 20 years has to be colognes. I have found the posts on AS and cologne more useful at B&B than anywhere else I have seen. The members here seem very well informed. That said, there are multiple other areas that I also find to provide outstanding information.
I voted General Straight Razor Talk, although I too just hit View New Posts and hardly ever go to the individual forums anymore.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Newbie clinic would be my first pick, followed by General straight razor talk.

I try to minimise my clicks on "new posts" as it uses the most resources(that and searches) from what I understand.
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