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What is this razor most similar too? Dural from Pasteur

I got this razor from Pasteur Pharmacy for $19.99. It’s listed as a Dural Heavy Stroud double edge safety razor.
I am wondering what do you think this razor is modeled after? There are no specs so I’m trying to compare it to a brand name razor that might be similar. Thanks!
muhle r89
Agree that it looks like a clone of a Muhle R89 and/or Edwin Jagger equivalent razor. Some of those have a little more blade gap than the original.
Thank you. I was thinking it was something like that but I am only going off of images I don’t own one. I shaved with it one time so far and it was quite efficient/moderately aggressive for me, but I am only used to fairy min to med aggressive razors so far. Appreciate the response!
R89 is one of the Razor people copy frequently, imitation is highest form of flattery.:straight:
True! Would you consider the R89 "mild" though because this one feels a bit more than mild to me but shaves very well for under $20 it's actually rather impressive.
True! Would you consider the R89 "mild" though because this one feels a bit more than mild to me but shaves very well for under $20 it's actually rather impressive.

What is important is not price, it is that it, "WORKS" for you. Plus you can make it more efficient with frequent blade changes, and blade choices.:letterk1:
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