Pay it forward. AKA, giving away an item/items so that others can experience it, use it, test it, love it... etc... Whatever. Many times it starts a chain reaction where the winner of one PIF, starts another to give back to the community.
I believe there's a thread in the newbie forum that gives more info.
comes from the film of the same name, where you pass along to someone (usually someone less experienced or with less shaving gear) rather than simply trying to sell it or throw it away, all in the name of karma
I first came across it in 1998ish when on alt.smokers.pipes a gentleman named Bear Graves suggested it to put together an assortment of pipes, tobacco and accessories for newcomers to the world of pipesmoking. no idea if that's where the concept started online forums, but that's the first I recall seeing it.
getting ready to put together a PIF myself for a lucky newcomer
If you're interested in trying new stuff, please feel free to stop by the never ending PIF thread. All that's asked in return is that you repay kindness with kindness.