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what has happened to my tabac puck?

I have used a puck of Tabac for about a couple of years or so now in my rotation, with about 20% of the puck left. Just recently, I can not generate a good lather any longer from the puck. The puck is now on the squishy side, could this be from letting some hot water sit on the puck during my showers over time? I pour off the excess water after scrubbing it with my brush. Has anybody else experienced this?
Tabac turning soft is not totally uncommon. It's usually credited to not allowing the puck sufficient time to dry before covering, but with such a small amount left I suppose it could be sucking up too much water due to the soak. Let it dry for several days and it should return to normal.
BTW, it seems from what I can remember, most guys chose not to do any soaking of Tabac, it is a somewhat soft soap. Have you ever tried to lather it without a pre-soak? The most "soaking" I'll do to any soap is to just run the wet brush over the soap before my shower, leaving just the surface wet. So, not so much a "soak" as just wetting the soap.
Soaking Tabac is not a good idea. I ruined a puck that way.

I use to submerge my puck with just enough water to cover the entire top. After repeating this the soap wouldn't generate the same type of lather as when it was new.
I soften mine with a little hot water whilst I shower, mine works just fine and if it ever "dishes" out I just squash it back into correct puck shape easy. :001_smile
I pre soak mine with a tbs or so of hot water. Pour off before the brush hits it and store uncovered. No such problems in the past couple years.
I had the same thing happen to me once. Over time, water seeped around the edges of my Tabac puck and soaked it from the bottom, up. In order to dry the soap, I had to remove it from the Tabac bowl and expose it to the air for several days until it dried. Once dried, it performed normally. It's worth a shot.

i'm a victim of the 'squishy Tabac' syndrome. I had no idea that it was better to leave it unsoaked. What I did was just flip it over, exposing the squishy side to the elements. I left the lid off and have been letting it sit uncovered.

I haven't noticed any problems with lather. I'll immediately stop soaking it and see how things change. I think that it's mostly dry at this point...
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