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What Do You Like On Your Hashbrowns?

What's your favorite toppings on hashbrowns?

  • Diced tomatoes

  • Onions

  • Cheese

  • Chili

  • Other--please specify

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Your basic bacon grease fried hashbrowns is a very versatile food which is amenable to a variety of toppings. What's your favorite?
Pepper (always) and depending on mood and circumstances: Original Louisiana Hot Sauce (Cholula is an acceptable substitute) and/or butter (if they are too dry).

Never Ketchup. Ketchup is what you put on foods you *don't* like in order to mask the flavor.
Oh, I miss the selection of hot sauces so easily accessible out west. Tapatio was my old stand-by. Now I'm more or less stuck with Goya varieties--not bad or anything, but not the same.

Oh, and I don't do "hashbrowns"--I do potato based fry-ups with onions, garlic, cheese, and whatever else I have sitting around. Crack a couple eggs into it, and you've got yourself a one-pan feast.
There are plenty of other hot sauces available, of course ... Frank's is everywhere here in the land of Buffalo wings, **** sauce is available (along with other Asian face-burners), there are plenty of Caribbean sauces, and one store that sells all kind of novelty hot sauces.

But I grew up in an area thick with Mexicans, and was used to that social/culinary environment ... and now I complain because I'm in a different cultural environment and am unwilling to change my own habits/tastes. How much of a stick-in-the-mud am I?
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