Ok, so I am thinking about picking up one of the cheap DA/Gold Dollar razors that are on ebay to have something to play around with. What do I need to replace the scales on it? I am thinking of maybe trying to put some horn scales on it. Do I need to buy knife blank horn? How thick should the scale material be? What is needed to cut it? Will a regular jigsaw work? Or do I need a real bandsaw or something? What about shaping the scales? Just sandpaper and time or do I need a dremel setup? From what I have seen here, all I need is some 1/16th brass rod and some tiny washers for pinning. What about nickel-silver rod? Is it easier or harder to work with than the brass rod? What about making a spacer? I am not trying to start a business or anything, I just want to learn how to do this kind of thing.