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What case is this?

OK, one of those great conversations with an antique dealer after seeking this case with a GEM razor on top in a display cabinet (price tag on GEM):

ME: Hi, can I have a look at that razor and case?

DEALER: Sure, nice set.

ME: (a little confused) So that price is for both of them as a set is it?

DEALER: Yeah, a nice old razor and its case

ME: (trying not to show more interest in case than razor and wondering how he can think that the GEM looks anything like the GILLETTE on the instructions) OK, looks fine I'll get them

We wander to the counter to pay, transaction in process

ME: (being playful) Gee, I wonder how that razor fits in there, it looks too big.

DEALER: (confidently) Oh, it fits in when dissassembled

ME: Oh, OK.

Anyway, this is the case:


Now it looked to me too good to pass up for the price because I'd seen similar on ebay a couple of days before go for a couple of dollars more than I paid, but what is it? (and please don't say an Aristocrat case!) :lol:
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It looks like the case for a #15. The lining I've seen is blue, though.
I've seen a similar case with the maroon lining for a #47 Popular.
Now it looked to me too good to pass up for the price because I'd seen similar on ebay a couple of days before go for a couple of dollars more than I paid, but what is it? (and please don't say an Aristocrat case!) :lol:

A one piece Gillette? :lol::lol::lol:

Sorry, couldnt resist :tongue_sm
It looks like the case for a #15.

This instructions - showing what looks like a #15 on the cover - were what convinced me to grab it, just on the off-chance than an uncased #15 comes my way....

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John, don't spoil the party - I want it to be a #15 case with an irresistible attraction calling its baby home! :thumbup:

If it helps - the exterior

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What does it say on the lid lining? If it's marked as an Aristocrat, then it's a #15 case. If it's marked Safety Razor, then it's a #47 with the instructions for a #15.
What does it say on the lid lining? If it's marked as an Aristocrat, then it's a #15 case. If it's marked Safety Razor, then it's a #47 with the instructions for a #15.

OK, I was reluctant to take the cardboard on the inside of the lid out but, here goes....

it says...

come on, say Aristocrat...

please, please... say Aristocrat...

it says...


Safety Razor...

Made in England.

So a #47 then :huh:

Oh, well

So, who wants to buy a #47 case and some #15 instructions :thumbup:

Thanks for the help guys!
What does it say on the lid lining? If it's marked as an Aristocrat, then it's a #15 case. If it's marked Safety Razor, then it's a #47 with the instructions for a #15.

I have seen a number of #15s and #16s in cases marked Safety Razor rather than Aristocrat. Did all of the Aristocrats come in cases marked Aristocrat?
I have seen a number of #15s and #16s in cases marked Safety Razor rather than Aristocrat. Did all of the Aristocrats come in cases marked Aristocrat?

No. AFAIK the #15 always did and with a blue lined case, but I'm sure there are others who know more than I do. The #16 may or may not have Aristocrat marked on the case as it came in different cases.
They pretty much mixed up cases on the British Aristocrats.

Velvet linings, satin linings, burgundy, purple..........

Safety razor and Aristocrat.........


I've got a #21 in that case with instructions.


Can only go on found examples and a lot of the old advertisments.

The plastic burgundy #16 case is fairly "unique" I believe....


Though I'm sure someone ........( Achim ) can give you heaps more info
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Gillette used that same case for various aristocrats in the australian market, with that specific lining. I've seen 15, 21, and 47 come in that case, so i wouldn't doubt the instructions match the case.

Now you just need a 15 (and two have come and gone on the bay in the last two weeks...).
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